Fox News | Lawyers want charity solvent The Boston Globe AP Lawyers want a youth charity established by a former Penn State footb » |
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Lawyers want charity solvent - The Boston Globe
Friday, November 25, 2011
Iran Tensions Boost Russian Oil Price - Wall Street Journal
Khaleej Times | Iran Tensions Boost Russian Oil Price W » |
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Business First of Buffalo:
Cannon Design named Elisabeth Perreault associatevice president. As a seniof project designer, she focuses on the design of healing, learnin g and public environments. Shawna Dosser, presidentf of BWI Health Promotions, received two nationallu accredited wellness management certificationsthrough NWI/WebMD. Eileeb Jain Sahai joined the environmental group at Harter Secrest & Emery LLP. She will focus on environmental due regulatory compliance, land use and zoning. The Greate Buffalo Building Owners ManagersAssociation Inc. named Jennifer Aiplw executive director. She will promote the interestas of commercial office building ownersand Paetec Holding Corp. hired two new employees.
Williamm Vona was named senior account executive and Keith Radford regional directorof sales. Vona will providd telecommunication services to Buffalo Radford will oversee a team of sales and support Seal & Design Inc. promoted Jamew Sweeney Jr. from operations manager to vice president. He has been with Seal Design since 1995. Curbell Electronics Inc. promoted Shawn Heeter to director of manufacturing and Karen Clemenw tomarketing director. Heeter will focuws on improving processes in collaborating on new product designs and maintaininproduction methods. Clemens will oversew the product management and brand management team s in themarketing department.
Nussbaumer & Clarke Inc. hired Shawmn Meegan as an level 1 in the civil engineering Quality InspectionServices Inc. named Donald Herzohg operations manager of theDepee office. He is a militar veteran and a former vice president of a localo financialrecovery agency. New England Financial recognizedNathan Way, a partner with Benefit and Frank Rapini, financial representative, LUTCF as top producerds and for meeting standards of professional achievemengt in 2008. Brisbane Consulting Group LLC named CarleyMealey CPA senio analyst. Her responsibilities include matrimonial valuation of closelyheld businesses, professionall licenses and forensic accounting.
The Hope for Tomorroq Foundation named three member totheir board. They are: Kenneth Anthonr MD, Alex Campanella, president of Campanella Orthotics and andUrsula Campanella, executive vice presidenf of Campanella Orthotics. The foundationm donates surgeries and medical suppliexs for children and the elderly in ThirdWorldr countries. Amanda Lowe and Amanda Kellyh of HoganWillig have been admitted to the New YorkStatew Bar. Both graduated from the University at Buffalo Law Schooplin 2008. John Iacono, vice presidenft and banking center manager for Bank of America joined the Amherst NorthRotary Club.
The Rotary honored David Whalen of the Disabilityt Awareness Programs for his 20 years of dedicated serviced improving the lives of peoplewith Stephanie Nasso joined the Buffalo officre of Veracity Benefits. She has 10 yearsd
Monday, November 21, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
million to to fund researcu in therapies like bone marrow and cord blood The gift from DoloresJordan — on behalf of her late husbandr and brother-in-law — will help the research centere create an endowed chair for a stem cell researcher while establishing the and Cellular Therapiezs Research. That could help compete for moneh fromthe — the state’x taxpayer-backed stem cell research funding agency as well as other government agencies and privatse funders. Bone marrow and cord blood transplantations are used to trear a varietyof diseases, includingg leukemia and sickle cell anemia.
Futured cellular therapy researchat Children’s may focus on treatments for diabetes, lung injury, Crohn’s disease and brai n damage caused by oxygej shortages during childbirth, said Dr. Bert the center’s senior vice president. “Fund-raiserss often talk about ‘transformative’ gifte and sometimes exaggerate the importance of a particular Inthis case, however, it is no exaggeratio to say that the Jordanh family gift is truly transformative for the researchh program at Children’s,” said Brad Children’s chief development officer, in a press Dolores Jordan’s husband, Hanabul “Bud” Jordan, ownecd a Hayward construction business, and his Lowell, ran the family’s cattles ranch in Dublin.
The sale of the Jordan family’s ranch funded the gift. The family previously donated morethan $420,000 to Children’s Hospital including 1999 and 2000 gifts for the hospital’s blood and marrow transplant program.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Broadcast Center Partners inks $1.2M Metro deal - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
million lease with Metro for easementsz above and aroundthe station’ds north entrance. According to Metro, the developer plans 180 residentiapl units, 23,000 square feet of retail and 105,000 squar feet of offices, anchored by , the network of urbab radio stations founded in the Under thelease terms, the developerd will make a $336,000 initiall payment and pay $61,413 annuallgy for 99 years, with a right to purchase easements. The moneyh will go toward capitao projects. The deal should allow the developersd to construct an underground garage with 185 The city had expected the project to startf by early 2009 and be completedby 2011, a timelinr that has been dramatically scaled back.
Radio One’s stocok price has suffered, trading at under $1 for most of 2009. Metroo last announced a lease inMarchg 2008, when it agreed to rent its Southeastf Bus Garage to the Washington Nationals. It has since sold the
Monday, November 14, 2011
Moody’s cut the Charlotte-based company’s rating to Caa2 from B3. The agenchy also lowered FairPoint’s ratinhg to negative from rating-under-review. FairPoint’s ratings on its secure and unsecured debt alsowere Moody’s says the downgrade is based on “Moody’s expectationj of a high default probability and a though still above-average, estimated recover rate across all debt instruments.” The agencg says its decision follows the telecommunication company’s announcement last week that it was launchin a private exchange offer for its outstanding 13.125 percent senior notes due in 2018.
FairPoint said the offef was designed primarily to reducethe company’a second- and third-quarter interest It also will help keep the company in compliance with its seniord secured credit facility agreement. FairPoint said it believez the exchange offer is critical to its continued The company is working with its financial advisefr to evaluate itscapital structure. Last FairPoint bought ’s land-line operations in Vermont, Main e and New Hampshire for $2.3 The deal made FairPoint (NYSE:FRP) the country’s eighth-largest telephoner company.
But FairPoint took on substantial debt to do the and the integration did not go Problems in converting billingto FairPoint’s systemn from Verizon’s led to slow collections and frustrater customers. Phone and e-mail service problems cropped up across thenew network. And regulators in the region expressed dissatisfaction with some of the During thefirst quarter, FairPoint drew $50 milliobn under its $170 million credit facility. As of Marchu 31, only $4.7 million remained availablwe to borrow. The compangy says liquidity remains a In addition, cash collections have remained beloaw the levels it had before switching Verizonj customers to the FairPoint system.
Should those factors the company says it may be unablw or unwilling to makeits Oct. 1 interesyt payment on the notes, which coulsd constitute a default. The exchange offer expiresd July 22. Two weeks ago, Chief Financial Officet and FairPoint board member Davidc Hauser announced he would retirefrom Charlotte-based Duke (NYSE:DUK) and becomr FairPoint’s chief executive and He will assume his new responsibilities upon Gene Johnson’a retirement as FairPoint chairman and CEO on Johnson, a co-founder of FairPoint, previously announced his plans to He has been the company’s chief executive sincs 2002.
Hauser has been a member of FairPoint’s board sincew February 2005, serving as a chairman of the compensatiohn committee and a member of theaudit “While it is gratifying to be namexd chairman and CEO of this longstanding organization, I am very awarr of the operational and financial concernes surrounding the company,” Hauser says. “My primary focus will be to addresd these concerns in quick succession and empower our team to seek andimplementt solutions. There is a lot of work to be and I am looking forward togettingy started.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Pentagon review of mortuary mishap hits early snag - Reuters
Los Angeles Times | Pentagon review of mortuary mishap hits early snag Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The man who the Pentagon announced this week would lead a review to prevent more mishaps at the US military's main mortuary is stepping down from the job, in a surprise setback. Former Surgeon General Richard Carmona announced on ... Pentag on blasts Ariz. Senate candidate Official chosen to run Dover military mortuary probe steps aside Dover panel chief's political plans catch Pentagon by surprise |
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Congress has opportunity to stand up for veterans' jobs - Allentown Morning Call
Allentown Morning Call | Congress has opportunity to stand up for veterans' jobs Allentown Morning Call It's galling that someone who risked his life to defend our nation struggles to find opportunity here at home. Heroes like Jim deserve better; surely, they've earned it. When I served in Baghdad with the 82nd Airborne Division, I saw firsthan d how ... |
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
FPL rate increase raises ire of Florida attorney general - South Florida Business Journal:
billion rate increase by saying such a move is not appropriate for the currenteconomic times. “This proposed rate increase is especially when homeowners are alreadyh struggling to makeends meet,” McCollumn said in a release. “While the economyt is affectingpower companies, the difference should not be made up entireluy at the expense of wallets.” Because of that, McCollum is encouraginy power customers to attend hearings beinyg held by the in Sarasota and Fort Myers on June 19. FPL, a subsidiaryy of (NYSE: FPL) that offers service in Manatee andSarasota counties, is lookingh to raise rates over a two-yeatr period that could result in $12.
55 per monthu for customers on average, or 30 percent of the current base ratex for customers who use 1,000 kilowattr hours per month. “The rate increase requested by FloridaPower & Light appears irrational and a disservice to the people of said Rick McAllister, president and chief executive of the . “We encouragee business leaders to attend the public hearinge and voice their FPL has said the rate increase woul d allow the company to improve fuel efficiency while stilkl makingbills affordable.
“Our billsd are among the lowest in the state and well belo w thenational average, and we’re working hard to keep them that way by makin g smart investments to benefit our said Armando J. Olivera, FPL’s presiden t and chief executive officer in a statementlast “These investments help to reduce the impac t of volatile fuel which in turn helps to keep customers’ total bills lower over the longee term as well.” Billxs would actually decrease under the proposal because reductionds in the cost of fuel would more than offset the increasde in the base price, FPL said.
“While we are mindfu of the difficult economy, we are also responsible for makingt prudent, long lead-time investments in the electrical Olivera said. “By doing so, we are strengthenintg our state’s essential infrastructure and creating jobs while helpingf tosecure Florida’s energy future.” The PSC will host nine publicd hearings on the rate increase throughourt the state before it is scheduled to make a decision Aug. 24.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The economy
For example, a couple of surveys were done recentlg by some large human resources Morethan 1,000 companies were polled. Forty percent plan to reducse amounts allottedto raises. Sixty-twpo percent said bonuses will shrinkthis Twenty-five percent plan a hirinvg freeze. Another 25% will increase contributions tohealth care. Why? It’s the economy ! Another survey forecasts spending on technology to decrease by almostr half from what hadbeen Oh, and by the way the number of companies doingt holiday parties will fall to a 20-year low. And everyone’as accepting these huge reductions. Employees seem to be takinfg the cutsin stride. They’re just happgy to have a job. Why?
It’s the economy You know what? Recessions can be a pennu pincher’s dream. Now’s the best time to get rid of the That guy in shippingwho can’t seem to remembed how to load a skid properly twice in a row? Gone. The sales guy who spends more time hittingt on your receptionist than the actualphones ? See ya. Running a business is toughh when you have to be thebad guy. Many of us acceptf mediocrity becausewe don’t have the energyu left to fight or fire someone. But like manna from heaven, God has brought upon us the best excuse The economy! It’s the perfect rationalee for making some long-needed changes.
It’e not just about changing the deadweight employees. You can call your key suppliers and beg for acost Everything’s negotiable because everyone’s skittish. Penny pinchers must get rid ofunderperforming people. Renegotiatde contracts. Beg for pricd reductions. Lock in lower monthly Plead poverty. Scream for assistance. Why? It’d the economy! Because in a few monthsd the opportunity will havepassed us. Thingss will turn around. Pricess will rise. Unemployment will The sun will shine. And we won’t have the economh to blame anymore. Rats.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
PokerTek names acting CEO - Charlotte Business Journal:
Roberson joined the company inlate 2007. “Marmk has proven himself as a capable leader, and we feel he is the righ t person to lead PokerTek at this saysLyle Berman, chairman of the company. “Thes top priority for the management teamunder Mark’s leadership will be to accelerates PokerTek’s progress towards cash-flow-positive operatinf results.” PokerTek lost $1.8 million, or 16 cents per diluted share, in the first quarter. In the same period last year, the compang lost $21 million, or 20 cents per dilutes share. Revenue fell 33 percent in the lates quarterto $2.1 million.
Accordin to a company filinb with the Securities andExchange Commission, Halliganb resigned as CEO for personal reasonw that were not related to PokerTek'sd operations, policies or He became CEO of the compang in September 2007. Halligan joinedr PokerTek in 2006 as vice president of salezsand planning. Before that, he did consultin work in the software andmarketing Matthews-based PokerTek is a software-development company that marketws electronic tables for up to 10 players of Texads Hold ’Em.
The company’s PokerPro system deals cards, displaysz them to the players on privatwe screens and displays general informatioj on a large screen in the center of the It also enables customers to set up accountsx for betting and keepxs statistical information on the The system is designed to boost casinoi revenue by increasing hands per hour and reducinfg the labor costs ofpoker rooms. PokerTe k (NASDAQ:PTEK) also markets tableds used in restaurantsand bars.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Global Venture Capital Survey: VCs see growth overseas, not in U.S. - Triangle Business Journal:
Despite finding sluggish investment trends, the annual survey captures substantial optimism amongthe investors. “While the recessiojn has slowed the pace of venture investing in theshorg term, it may very well have expedited the globa evolution of the industry in the long run,” said Mark Deloitte LLP’s national managing partner of venturr capital services. “In recent years, many entrepreneura who have been educated in the United States have returnexd home to start companies in their home The playing field continues to level out in termsd of new innovationhot spots, broader accesxs to capital and growing regional ecosystems that fostert risk taking and capital formation.
” Venture capitalist agree that investments are more likely to increase in countriesw outside of the U.S. than domestically in the next threse years. Half of the venture capitalists surveyed said investment will increased inAsia (excluding India); 43 percent named India; 36 percengt selected South America; 25 percent said Europew and the United Kingdom; and just 17 percent said investmenyt would increase in North Fifty-two percent of all venture capitalist s surveyed said they already invest outside theire home countries.
“As the survet results suggest, we will see more globalization in the next not only in terms of investments but also in fundraising and exitxas well,” said Mark Heesen, presiden of the NVCA. “Those countries that can nurturer entrepreneurs and investors as well as offerr attractive exit opportunities have the most to gain economicallu in the next he added. Survey respondentxs said China stood to benefit most from shiftz in investment caused by the economic When it comesto fundraising, the majoritgy of VCs predicted that more of their limited partners wouldx come from outside their home and 38 percent said they expected the numbefr of foreign limited partners to remaih unchanged.
Other findings from the survey included anothert vote of confidence for investment in the clean tech The survey suggests most venturecapitalists aren’t adjusting their strategiez when it comes to whichg industries they are funding, and clean tech is one of thosr industries that’s been getting a lot of More than 60 percent of the venturr capitalists surveyed said they expect to increasse their investments in clean tech in the next threde years. Other industry sectors that investorx expect to give increase investmenft to include the medical device and equipment industryh and new media andsociao networking.