Monday, December 31, 2012
Ohio lawmakers facing $3.2B budget hole - Dayton Business Journal:
billion revenue shortfall for the two-year state budge t cycle beginningJuly 1. That was the estimate Pari the governor’s budget director, presenteed to a six-member House and Senatd conference committee trying to reconcile differenceas in their versions of a state budget bill for fiscaol 2010and 2011. They face a June 30 deadline to preseny a balanced budget planto Strickland. Sabetyt said new revenue estimates bythe governor’sa Office of Budget and Management are $2.3 billiob lower than projections in the spending plan the administrationb presented to the legislaturd earlier this year. That could result in a budgey gapof $3.
2 billion over the next two yearss depending on differences in spending on educatiom and Medicaid in the budget billsw that came out of the House and In addition, projected revenue for fiscal 2009, which ends June 30, is belowe the previous estimate by $912.1 million, Sabetuy said. The state will need to tap its rain y day fund to cover that gap and balancewthis year’s budget, she said. Under the revise forecasts, the state is looking at endingy fiscal 2009with $17.3 billion in tax revenue for its Generalo Fund, down more than $2 billion from 2008. General Fund tax revenuse is projected to dropto $15.9 billion in 2010 and rise to $16.2q billion in 2011.
“The picture I have paintedx for you is bleakbut realistic,” Sabety told the conferencde committee. She said the Stricklaned administration is considering a numbefr of options to covetr the shortfall in thenext budget. She did not provid specifics on what approacbh maybe taken. Stricklanx and most state legislators have said they oppos e raising taxes in the currenteconomidc climate. The governor has had to make about $2 billiom in adjustments to thecurrent two-yeaf budget, including the elimination of 3,600 state jobs, closure of a two psychiatrivc hospitals and a youth detention “Taking out $3 billiobn from the present budget (plan) is like starting all said state Rep.
Vernon D-Akron, a conference committee member. “We hope the administration willprovide leadership, guidance and ideas as we move forwarsd in this process.” Two Republicans on the conferencew committee – Sen. John Carey of Wellstom and Rep. Ron Amstutz of Woostere – also called for directioh fromthe governor. “This is more than a legislative Amstutz said. “We’re goinbg to need some assertive and seriou leadership from the executive Strickland did not attend the conferencecommitte meeting. He was travelinfg in northeast Ohio to promote his educationm reform package that is part of hisbudgetr plan.
Sabety told the conference committee that revenue forecastse by the administration over the past year have not kept pace with the fall of the nationalk andOhio economies. Ohio’s budget situatiohn is “hardly unique,” she said, citing a reporf from the National Association of State Budget Officers that founds states face aggregate budget shortfalls of atleastr $230 billion from fiscal 2009 through 2011. Her office’s new estimate projects there willbe $772 million less Generak Fund tax revenue this year than the estimatew on which the governor basedd his budget plan. The tax revenue shortfalls riseto $1.3 billiobn in fiscal 2010 and $1.1 billiomn in 2011.
A big factorr in the decline is a drop in revenue from autosalesx taxes, she said. Revenue from that source will be $96 millionn lower in 2010 and $32 million less in 2011 comparec with the earlier Therevised non-auto sales tax revenuw estimate is being reduced by $189 million in fiscak 2010 and $331 million in 2011. The declinw is due to a drop in wages and consumerd spending in the Sabety said. She said the state’s revenus stream also is being hurt by declinesin non-wage specifically the capital gains tax on equit y investments. The forecast for tax revenue from non-wage income has been loweredx by $926 million in fiscap 2010 and $601 milliob in 2011.
“This is by far he larges decline for any revenue in thereviseds forecasts,” Sabety said.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Genshaft sets direction for Committee of 100 - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Their "business plan" -- goals developed by each subcommittee -- rangez from boosting the bioscience industry to establishinb Tampa as a gateway for tradew to attracting morecorporate headquarters. Intent on turning that plan into Genshaft, president of the , has asked the subcommitte e chairs to refine thosee goals to make them measurable and to report theirprogress quarterly. "She's a very goal-oriented individual. That'ds a real benefit for this Results, results, results," said Bob who heads the international subcommittew and is managing director for Florida development servicesd atin Tampa.
Genshaft is the first persob from USF to head the Committeeof 100, Tampa/Hillsboroug County's official economic development partnership. Randy Simmons, the 2003 chaif of the Committee of 100 and chairmahnof R.R. Simmons Construction Co, said Genshaf t was recruited for the chairmanship because she has successfullyh made USF a recognized part of thebusiness community. "Betty Castor (former USF president) made the community aware of USF," said Robert Clark, investor relationss subcommittee chairman and presidentof "Judy Genshaft has made the university a part of the community.
" Genshafr said the Tampa Bay area's growth is importanrt to USF and the university's growth is importangt to Tampa Bay. "As more people come here to work, they want to have educationall opportunities and vice Genshaft said. "I'm somebody that can bridgs both as the Committede of100 chair." Genshaft has revamped the adding subcommittees focused on biosciences, financial manufacturing and distribution, and attractinhg headquarters to the She called on Dr. William Dalton, chief executive of the , to lead the newluy formed biosciences group. "The communituy hasn't recognized how much biosciences is happening in Tampa Genshaft said.
"There are 370 bioscience companies, with 51,00o0 workers, already here." Dalton, in turn, is recruitingt six committee members, not all of whom he has lined up yet, to sprea d the word about the area'e existing activity and to come up with a strategh to strengthen collaborations betweenprivate industry, the university and Moffitt. "Thew university can serve as a foundation forattractingg talent," Dalton said. "Every metropolis that has gotten into biosciences has stronguniversity support.
" USF gave a big boosr to the effort, when it brokr ground in January on a $40-milliomn research park with 230,000 square feet for laboratories and offices for corporate partners. attracting bioscience firms to the area willbe "a hard nut to said Rick Siems, head of the research network subcommittee and research director for centrakl Florida for Cushman Wakefield. "The research park should help draw some of the majorr players to put satellite players in the but in order to pull aScripps that'as going to be That's going to be a long time Siems said.
Genshaft and Rod Castro, USF's associate vice president for economic development and executive director ofthe , said the Tampaa area will do well, even without the facility that will be builtt in Palm Beach County, bringing more than 500 jobs to the "We have a head start on Scripps," Castrl said. "Competition only makes us A focus on medical device and apparatus companiess would be a smart said Simmons, because those products are easier to bring to markegt than pharmaceuticals, which require millions of dollars and lots of years to develop.
"Ifc you are making catheters, you don'ty get large companies but youget high-qualituy career opportunities in moderate companies that are very stabl e and likely to stay in this community," Simmone said.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Expenses, labor costs at National Sept. 11 Memorial & Museum soar - The Star-Ledger -
The Star-Ledger - | Expenses, labor costs at National Sept. 11 Memorial & Museum soar The Star-Ledger - NEW YORK รข" According to its tax records, the World Trade Center Foundation's labor costs at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum rose 58 percent in 2011. The W » |
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Zelienople, Butler Farm Show, Finleyville airports win state grants - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
in Beaver County will receive $22,500 for a remotd communications outlet that will let pilots communicats with Pittsburgh AirTraffic Control. The Butle r Farm Show Aiport in Butler Countg willreceive $112,500 for construction of securityg perimeter fencing. And the in Washington County willreceive $127,500 to buildd a hangar, modernize its administration building and upgrade the fule farm’z credit card system. The money comes from Pennsylvania’ds tax on jet fuel and is administered bythe . The threre Pittsburgh-area grants are among 16 beinv madethroughout Pennsylvania. In all, the statre is spending $3 million and leveraging $904,800o in local matching funds.
The other projectws are: in Bucks County, which will receive $225,000 to assisf with the purchase of land below the approach to the inCambria County, which will receiv $30,000 to repair fuel facilitu equipment; in Centre County, which will receivre $750,000 for a projecgt to widen and pave the runway; in Centrw County, which will receive $123,750 to buy a jet refueling in Cumberland County, whicbh will receive $183,750 for a runwauy lighting system project; in Dauphin County, which will receive $135,90p0 for an aircraft parking and taxiwayu project; in Lancaster County, which will receive $210,000 for an aircraft parking and taxiway in Labanon County, whichj will receive $37,500 to buy snow removak and mowing equipment; in Lehigh County, whicjh will receive $58,500 for pavemen maintenance; in McKean County, which will receive $112,500 to buy 20 acresw of land for future in Montgomery County, which will receive $82,50 0 to continue the removak of runway obstructions and improve in Northampton County, which will receive $127,50o0 for new runway lights and a new electricall vault, and in Wyoming which will receive $375,000 for airfield and terminalo improvements.
“Airports are important assetsa that can attract new business andcreatw jobs,” Rendell said in a written statement announcinyg the grants. “We are making the smart investmentss necessary to increase economic vitality and facilitate the morethan $12 billionb in state revenue the aviation industry yields each By investing in our aviation asseta we can help sustain our communities and retain jobs acrosx Pennsylvania.
Monday, December 24, 2012
NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - Portland Business Journal:
The hiring will begin with the national nonprofit hostinf a job fair Fridayand Saturday. NACA focuses on lendingb to low- and moderate-income families. Gov. Bev Perdu e announced the expansion Thursday, with the statr giving NACA a $1 million grantf from the One NorthCarolina Fund. It plansd to invest more than $4 millio n here, with 1,014 jobs expected to be addexd over the nextfive years. “North Carolina remainw a strong presence inthe U.S. finance and this is a tremendous opportunity forthe Charlotte-area,” Perdue said. “Ou r top-rated business climate and skilled financial-services work forcr are attractive to growingnational operations.
” NACA is headquartered in Boston and operates more than 40 offices nationwide. It currentluy employs about 100 workers in Mecklenburg County to originat and process mortgage Underthe five-year state incentive agreement, the organizationh plans to add 550 jobs immediately. The jobs will pay an averaged annual wageof $35,982. Salariexs will range up to $80,000 annually. The hiring will focus on mortgage negotiators, customer-service representatives, call-center managerzs and mortgage counselors.
“NACA is excited that it’ds putting more than 1,000 people to work during thesew tougheconomic times,” NACA Chief Executive Bruce Marks said “Today’s announcement is more than just a sounde bite — we are following through on this investment by holdinfg a jobs fair tomorrow to hire 550 people immediately.” Perduew said Thursday that she consulted with formefr Bank of America Corp. Chairman Hugh McCollo Jr. about the deal. McCol has been a longtime supporterof NACA’as work. BofA began a partnership with NACAundere McColl’s watch in 1995 and in 2004 committed $6 billioj to its lending program.
Perdue says McColl confirmed to her that he expectex NACA could follow through on its job commitments in severalphone “When someone begins something like this in Charlotte, it alwayse grows,” McColl said in an interview “They’ll come in and find this is a good placs to find (a work force). I would hope it would be an eruptionof jobs, not just trickle down.” The grouop claims it will be the largest numbe of people hired immediately in one area and the largesg job commitment in the country since the mortgagr crisis began in 2007.
The hiring comesx as NACA embarks on a nationwide Save the Dream Marks says the added jobs are crucial as NACA leades its campaign to makemortgagees affordable. Hundreds of NACA staff will provids long-term solutions for homeowners with anunaffordable “Charlotte continues to be attractivd because of our knowledgeable financial-servicez work force and we welcome NACA’s investment in Nortg Carolina,” N.C. Sen. Dan Clodfelter said in a release.
NACA’s Counselinh Center is in the Charlottse East office park off Albemarle Road between Central Avenue and FarmPond “Charlotte continues to be recognized as a leadedr in financial services with a talented and experienced labor says Charlotte Chamber Chairman Tim “We are pleased to welcomwe NACA to the community and look forwars to the investment in jobs and presencew they will bring to our East side.” The chamber assisted NACA in its expansiom effort. Charlotte East owner Roger Kellogg, principall of , and leasinbg director Eric Speckman have workes closely with NACAsince 2007, when the nonprofigt established a small office in the park.
NACA has legally bindinhg agreements with all themajor lenders/servicers to restructurd the mortgages they service. The NACA agreementd cover more than 90 percent of homeowners with anunaffordablde mortgage. The staff from the Counseling Center in Charlotte will traveo nationwide to work on Save the Dream events where morethan 25,000 peoplew are counseled over four with thousands receiving affordable restructured mortgages with permanenyt interest rates often at 4 3 percent and 2 percent and where necessary the principao reduced. The organization, started in 1988, has the primart goal of building strong, healthy neighborhoodx nationwide throughaffordable homeownership.
NACA operationd include financial counseling, specialized mortgage services and a Home Save programn for homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage. NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridat and Saturday at its Charlotte Counseling For more information about Neighborhood Assistance Corporationhof America, including employment opportunities, go to
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Remains of soldier killed in 1946 in Europe finally returning for proper burial - Fox News
Remains of soldier killed in 1946 in Europe finally returning for proper burial Fox News It's a military homecoming 66 years in the making. Army Staff Sgt. Zoltan Joseph Dobovich died with seven of his fellow soldiers in a plane crash in 1946, but only now -- after countless search expeditions and with the help of DNA testing -- is his ... |
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Builder Zaring declares Chapter 11 bankruptcy - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Zaring’s filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Souther n District of Ohio in Cincinnati said he had estimated assets ofbetween $10 million and $50 million, and debtw in the same dollar range. A list of unsecured creditor s included a KeyBank clainof $2 million; National City $1.9 million; Fifth Third $268,500; and Anne Zaring, $250,000. The filingt did not include a scheduls of assetsand liabilities, a statement of monthlh income, a statement of financiaol affairs and other documents required under federal bankruptcy law. Zaring has 15 days from the date of his June 26 Chaptefr 11 petition to filethosse documents.
He is representesd by lawyer Richard Nelsonat Cohen, Todd, Kite & Stanfor d LLC. The bankruptcy filing follows the filingv of at least five claims and judgmentsw by various creditors against Zaring in Hamiltojn County courtin June. They resultesd from lawsuits filed against Zaring andrelated entities. They included the • Huntington National Bank vs. Scott Estridge Homeas LLC and Allen G. Zaring III, Case judgment June 29 for $3.4 • Huntington National Bank vs. Great Midwesf Development LLC andAllen G. Zarinyg III, Case #0906247; judgment June 29 for $5.3 • Huntington National Bank vs. Clayton LLC, Allehn G. Zaring III and Andrew C.
Case #0906246; judgment June 29 for $285,485. National City Bank s/b/m/t Provident Bank vs. Allen G. Zaring III, Case #0906008, judgmenr June 18 for $1.9 million. • KeyBani National Association vs. Allen G. Zaring III, Case #0905521; judgmentt June 8 for $2 Zaring was one of the Cincinnati area’s most well-known home builders beforer selling his Zaring Homed toDrees Co. in 2001. Severall family members are also involveds in building and development firms inthe area.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Baltimore City Council paves way for slots near M&T Bank Stadium - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Baltimore City is one of five locations approve d last November for slotmachine parlors. Baltimore City Entertainment Group, a group that includes the heads ofand , wantx to build a facility with as many as 3,75p0 machines on Lot J, a city-owned parking lot in the city'sz Carroll Camden neighborhood. The precise location could change, however, and Baltimore City Entertainmenf is in negotiations to move its project toa 11-acre property known as Gateway South.
But the city must change its zoningv code before the Maryland Video Lottery Facilitt Location Commission will award the development team the licensee it needs to build the Two City Councilcommitteeas — the Land Use and Transportation Committed and the Urban Affairs and Aginvg Committee — voted Thursday to let those zoning changesd move forward to the full City Council for consideration.
City Council Presidenft Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said the committees' action was in stark contrast to deliberationz in AnneArundel County, where County Council has delayed changing the county'ds zoning laws to allow a slots parlod to be built at the Arundel Mills shopping Going into the process, she said, the city moved to narrowly defines where slots can be built, whereas there were fewed geographic restrictions placed on potential gambling facilitiexs in Anne Arundel County. The geographic boundarie s where a facility can be built in each county were specifier in a referendum adopted by votersin November.
"We're definitely on the right path," Rawlings-Blake said durinfg the committee hearings. "We did our work up identified a location that had very little impacton residents." Anne Arundel anticipated developera would apply to build a casino at Laureo Park race track, and many county officialsa were surprised when Baltimore developer the submitted an application to build one at Arundelo Mills instead. But council members in Anne Arundek County delayed June 1 changing their zoning code to allowslots parlors. Meanwhile, a second developer, , has come forward to say it may seek permissiojn to build a slots parlor at Laurel Park ifCordish Co.
's proposal fallzs through. The Baltimore committees voted on two bills pertainingto slots. The firstr would change zoning inthe city's B-2 and M-2 district s to include video lottery terminals among the permitteed uses. The second would change the zoning of the property at 301Stockholmk St. President M.J. "Jay" Brodie said the city doesn'yt plan to relocate the animak shelter toanother location. But Brodie said the city wantz to changethat property's zoningy to give the slots developers the ability in the futur to expand their facility in the evenr the animal shelter moves to another location.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Job-loss rates hold steady in Texas - San Antonio Business Journal:
percent, which is below the U.S. nationalk unemployment rate of 8.5 percent, the said according to seasonallyadjusted numbers. The statde has lost 173,900 jobs in the past while the U.S. in the past year has lost 5.2 millionm jobs, the Texas Workforce Commission When breaking out the job lossedby market, the Dallas-Fort Worth Arlington area had an unemploymenr rate of 6.6 percent, which is improved from a 7 percent rate in but still deeper than the 4.1 percent rate experiencedr in April of 2008. Meanwhile, the Dallas-Plano-Irvingh market had a 6.7 percent unemployment rate, down from 7.1 percen t a month earlier, but deeper than the 4.1 perceng unemployment rate experienced ayear ago.
The Fort Worth-Arlington market had hit 6.6 percen in April, down from 6.8 percenf a month earlier, but still deeped than the 3.9 percent rate experienceds last year. The metro numbers are not seasonally Employees in Texas in a recent survey conducted by indicated that the Texas Employee Confidencde Indexrose 6.1 points to 50.8, indicating that employeesz are more confident in their companies and more optimistic about the future of their jobs. The Spherionn Employment Report said the survey is conducted byHarrix Interactive.
Based on the survey results, Spheriob said 42 percent of the workers interviewed believe the economty isgetting weaker, but that is 23 pointe down from March survey responses on that question. Abouyt 9 percent of up from 5 percent, believe that more jobs are The report also said 72 percent of worker are confident intheir employer’s future, whicg is up from 68 percent in
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Gary M. Rodkin Executive Profile
About Gary M. Rodkin Gary chief executive officer, joined ConAgraa Foods in Octoberof 2005. Underd his leadership, the company has transformed itsel f from a holding company for dozens of brands and businesses to a more unified operating In fact, Rodkin
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Phoenix City Councilwoman Maria Baier named Arizona State Land Commissioner - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Baier will step down from the Phoenix City Counciol to take the state job whichu oversees the State Land Department and salesof state-ownedr lands to private developers. Such sales have pretty much come to a halt in the wake of the real estat e slide in thePhoenisx market. Baier was elected to the Phoenix council in 2007 and representwDistrict 3. She previously served as CEO of , a real estatse industry trade organization that advocates forresponsiblde development. Previous State Land Commissioner Mark Winkelmanj resignedin May. Winkelman was appointed by formert Gov. Janet Napolitano, who herself resigned in to become U.S. Homelandr Security Secretary.
Many of Napolitano’s cabinet directorsd have stepped down and Brewer has appointedc herown picks. In a statement released today by the city of Baier said she looks forward thenew challenges. Baier officially will resign on Wednesdayh and the city will need to schedul e a special election to fillthe vacancy. She representw portions of north and northeast Phoenix includinf the Paradise Valley Mall and Moon Valleyh areas and portions of the Bell Road and Interstatd17 corridors.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Refi rally for - Memphis Business Journal:
As many as 120 loan underwriters, accounting professionals, loan processors, loan closerz and clerical positions payingbetween $30,00 0 to more than $100,000 a year will be added, said Kevi Miller, president, CEO and founder of The jobs will be addef beginning in August and will be phasedd in during the next six to nine he said. The company has 160 employees now, down from 180 at the peak of the Northn Texas housing boom twoyears ago. Low mortgage ratexs and Miller’s expectation of climbing home sales are spurringthe company’ss growth, he said.
“We expectt rates to be low for the next year and a then we expect home purchasing to be strong after thatin Texas,” he said. The local housing marker certainly has a lot of groundto New-home sales in the Dallas-Fort Worthu area were down 40% for the first four months of the year comparedf to the same period in and sales of pre-owned single-family homesx were down 24% during that period, accordin to housing market analyst David director of the Dallas office of Metrostudy. There were 4,19 1 new-home closings and 18,442 resales in the area through he said.
Brown expects 2009 sales to trail year-agio numbers for the remainder ofthe “We do expect to begin to see some modesy recovery in terms of transactions beginninb in 2010, assuming we see the national economy begin to turn aroun and we see the jobs picture begin to he said. About 70% of’a business today is compared with 40% to 50% at this time last year, Millerr said. closes $60 million to $80 million in monthlyy loan volume now, or about $850 millionb annually, Miller said.
With the additional Miller’s goal is to reach $3 billionn to $4 billion in annualo loan volume in the nextfive years, he The company provides residential mortgage loans in Oklahoma, Florida, Michigan, Missouri and Colorado, servicing all of them from the Dallaa office. For the week ending May 22, mortgagwe loan application volume nationwide wasup 28.5%% compared with the same week one year earlier, accordinyg to a weekly survey by the Mortgages Bankers Association. Refinancings made up 69.3 of the mortgage activity. Loan volume in Texas was $11.76 billion in the firsty quarter ofthis year, down slightlyy from $12.
4 billion in 2008, accordingg to the Texas Mortgage Bankerds Association statistics. Mortgage industryh employment in Texas fell by more thana 30% from 2007 to but has since stabilized, said Scotf Norman, vice president of the Texas Mortgage Bankers Norman said he’s heard anecdotallt that the surge in refinancinge is prompting mortgage lenders to add employees, but he did not have specififc industry employment numbers. To make room for new has signed a lease for 69,0090 square feet in its existing locationj at 4100 Alpha Road in Dallas more than triple the size itcurrentluy occupies, said Ben Hautt with the commercial real estat e firm Stream Realty Partners LP.
Hautt recently left Stream’s Dallas officr to launch the company’s officr in Atlanta, where he is managing will begin moving into its expandedc spacein August, after the completion of renovations that are now undefr way. After expanding, will occupy all of the fourth and fifth floor and part of the first floor inthe 11-story building, Hautt said. “It’s an expansion, and today that’s not something you see a lot Hautt said. “They’re thriving in the currengt economy.” The 227,000-square-foot building at 4100 Alpha Road is part of The an 11-building office complex nortyh of Interstate 635 off Midway Road.
The askingt lease rate for the space isabout $16.50 per squars foot. Hautt and Stream Realty colleagues Ben Sumnere and Chad Henningsrepresented in the and Buddy Tompkins and Seth Thatchefr of commercial real estate firm GVA Cawleuy represented the landlord. Hauttg said searched the market beforse deciding to expand within itsexistinbg building.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
UAW to rally at Delphi Thermal - Business First of Buffalo:
Called “Save America”, the demonstration sponsored by UAW Regionb 9 is scheduled to starty at3 p.m. at the plant, 200 Upperr Mountain Road. Scheduled speakers include Region 9 DirectotJoe Ashton, William Pienta, directore of the United Steel Workers District 4, the mayorsa of Lockport, Buffalo and Rochester, Kenmore Chevrolet auto dealer Duanse Paddock and others. In the auto industry, which is fightinyg for survival, the loss of every factorgy job translates into as many as nine additionalo job losses in related manufacturing orservicwe industries, the union stated in a news release.
“Locao government, from the municipalities and school systemsd to county and state will all eventuallg feel the pain of reduced income along with the problemse of maintaining public services in an environment of increasingb costs andshrinking budgets,” the release
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Lichborne: Why unholy death knights aren't popular - Joystiq
Lichborne: Why unholy death knights aren't popular Joystiq All through the Mists beta, there was a large clamoring for an overhaul to the spec that never really came, and while Blizzard did add some decent quality of life and power changes, overall, many death knights felt the base flaws remained. As it's ... |
Monday, December 10, 2012
Nashville Business Journal:
and McCaskill was with Dollar General Corp. in Cathy Tyler , human resources manager, was promotedr to director of human resources at SaintThoma Hospital. Tim Walsh was named Eastern Region sales representative and Kellgy Milton was named contract and pricing coordinator at HealthcardManagement Systems. Previously, Milton was with Coventry Healty Care and Walsh was with Avega Health Systemsd inEl Segundo, Calif. Brown Danie , Compass Capital, was named to the Williamsohn Medical Center boardof trustees.
Pierre Massio n , assistant professor of medicine and cancer biology atthe Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancetr Center, was awarded a $450,000 Advancedr Clinical Research Award from The ASCO Foundation of the Americaj Society of Clinical Oncology, to continue his lung cancer Marilyn Dubree , chief nursing officed for Vanderbilt University Hospital and the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’x Hospital at Vanderbilt, was named chief nursing officerr for all Vanderbilt University MedicalCenter operations.
At Alive Jason Guy was named director ofhuman resources; Trish Bilbrey was named provider educator; Katherine Campbellk was named nurse at the residence; Jarefd Porter was named marketing and communications and Amanda Stuard was named team secretary for the west Previously Guy was with Topnotcnh Resort and Spa in Stowe, Vt.; Bilbrey was with Farragut Health Care Center in Campbell was with Saint Thomas Hospital; and Portere was with the Green Hills News .
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Japan Suspends Beef Imports From Brazil on Mad-Cow Disease - Businessweek
The Malaysian Insider | Japan Suspends Beef Imports From Brazil on Mad-Cow Disease Businessweek Japan, Asia's largest beef buyer, suspended imports of the meat from Brazil after a cow in Parana state tested positive for mad-cow disease. รขWe suspended imports from Brazil as soon as an outbreak of BSE was confirmed,รข the Ministry of Agriculture ... Japan halts beef imports from Brazil over BSE link |
Friday, December 7, 2012
Morgan Stanley Alters Broker Pay Plan as Revenue Bonus Takes Hit - Businessweek | Morgan Stanley Alters Broker Pay Plan as Revenue Bonus Takes Hit Businessweek Morgan Stanley (MS), the brokerage with the biggest corps of financial advisers, changed its wealth- management compensation plan to encourage brokers to increase revenue and » |
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Magazine honors The Children's Hospital - Houston Business Journal:
The hospital qualified for the magazine’e “Honor Roll” in its 2009 edition of America’x Best Children’s Hospitals. The Honor Roll is reservee for hospitals that achieved ranking in all surveyed specialtyt areas covered by the monthlgnews publication. Children’s ranked in the top 10 in six specialtyg areas, including cancer (No. 10), diabetes and endocrinre disorders (No. 10), digestive disorders (No. 5), neonatal care (No. 8), orthopedicd (No. 8) and respiratory disorders (No. 5). Last Children’s was ranked No. 7 overalkl among the nation’s pediatric hospitals. In 2007, it finishex at No. 4.
Because of a change in how the reporrtwas compiled, there was no general numerical ranking this year.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
More community banks ready for launch - San Francisco Business Times:
The two proposed banks -- in in San Franciscoi -- are gearing up as they seek regulatory approval s and prepare toraise capital. These are good times to be a so the two join a flourishinh crop of startup banks in the in San Francisco is raising capital to open its doorsa laterthis year. Diablo Valley Bank brokew ground this month on its new administrative and banking officdein Danville. And San Mateo-based plansd to open additional officeas on the Peninsula to capture more deposits to meet robust loan NewResource Bank, which plans to operatde with an environmental slant, has some big names behinx it including legendary investment banker Bill Hambrecht, founder of + Co.
, and his son Bob "Green businesses are among the fastest-growing sectors of the economyu and are exemplified by the clean energy and green building sectors. The Bay Area has the leadinv clusters ofgreen businesses,," said Peterd Liu, a former executivse with and who will be the bank's chief businesas development officer. Others involved in the bank includ eClay Jones, former chief operating officer with Greater Bay Bancorp.'s , who will be presiden t and CEO of the bank. Jones previousl worked at Silicon Valley Bank andComericq Bank. Daniel Yohannes, who was previously with , will serve as chairman. Chris Olson, formerly with and Mt.
, will be chietf operating officer and chiefcrediyt officer. Members of the new bank's boare will include longtime San Francisco bankefrFran Streets; Bob Epstein, co-founder; Rick Holmstrom, co-foundef and vice chairman of Palo Alto real estatee firm ; and Mike van den Akker, co-founder of wealth management firm Bakerf Street Advisors. New Resource Bank'zs organizers also include Lisa Gansky, founder and formetr CEO of ; Bill Wolf, former president of the ; and Hal director of environmental programs atthe .
The proposer New Resource Bank, to be headquartered in a ground-floorf location at Fremont andHoward streets, plans to raisee $20 million to $22 million, subject to getting the necessary regulatory approvalsz to open its doors. In downtown Oakland, the proposee Alta California Bank will be a whollhy owned subsidiaryof ., which has banking operations in Arizona and Southern California. Arnold Grisham, presidenyt and CEO of the proposed bank, is organizing a pool of locak investors to investbetween $7 million and $9 millionm of new capital in Wester Alliance. Alta California Bank is then expected to be capitalizedcwith $25 million.
Local investors are considered an essentia l ingredient in launching acommunity bank, because they're seen as an initiapl customer base and an extension of the new bank's marketingb team. Alta California's additionall capital, up from initiall plans to raise $20 million, will alloe the bank to open withthree offices: the headquarteres at 1951 Webster St. in Oakland as well as a location in Piedmont and a loan production officse inWalnut Creek. "We feel Alameda and Contra Costw countiesare underbanked," said Grisham, a 30-yeafr veteran of the banking industry. Grisham was president of Oakland-baseed , now part of .
He's also a formed executive vice president in Oaklandf forWells Fargo. Sedrick Tydus, a formerd executive vice president of in San isjoining Grisham's team as chief operatingg officer. Grisham more recently headed Oakland-baser , a financial services executive search firm that he startef withhis daughter, Kristiner Grisham Halliman. She will continue to run that
Monday, December 3, 2012
Top Ten Tips for 2009 Hurricane Season Planning from SunGard Availability Services
June 3 /PRNewswire/ -- With the onset of the 2009 hurrican season, has outlined its top ten tips for disaster By followingthese steps, organizations will be better preparedr to keep their systems, processes and peopler up and running during and afte r a major storm. "Today, many organizations are focusedon short-tern pressures to reduce spending, and because of may not be properly testing their recovery plans," said , directort of crisis management at SunGarf Availability Services.
"We have seen all too often organizationsd neglect key elements of theirf programs only to realize the grave consequenceswhen it's too As hurricane season approaches, it is imperativde that companies reexamine and re-test existing plans, making sure they aligbn with the current state of the businesx - from both IT and business proces perspectives - in case a major stormm should occur. For those organizationzs facing travel restrictions due tobudget constraints, new modeas of testing - such as remote or virtualized testing - provided cost-effective alternatives to more traditional methods." 1. Regularly test your disasterd recovery plan. Simply having a plan in placwe isnot enough.
Develop and regularly test your crisis communication plan so that the firs time it is executed is not during an Remember to test under realistic conditions and make the plan robusty enough to address extended recovery that may require utilizationj ofnew facilities, relocation of stafvf and involvement of outside 2. Revisit and reassign responsibilities. Factor in changes to your organizatiom caused by recent layoffsand restructurings. Assign new responsibilitiesa to employees based on the current organizational structure andavailabler resources.
Test this updated plan to ensure all toolse and protocols are in placs to operate duringa disaster, reaching out to all partsa of the organization and employe family members as well as government agencies and emergency responders. 3. Make sure your notification systejmis up-to-date. Critical during any potential notification should be an integral part ofan organization'sz disaster recovery plan. Make sure all contact numbers are allowing the organization to get in touchn with key personnel in the eventy ofan emergency. This will also help prioritized methods of communication and track which employees havereceivefd messages. 4. Put your peopl first.
Employees are the heart of an organization; however, many human resources aspects are frequently overlooked in disasterrecovery planning. Businesses must identify alternate locations where employees can go in the event a primary work locatioh is unavailable and address the physical safety andpsychological well-beinfg of employees. Assign backup rolew for the inevitable timesz when key players are not availablweor missing, and time-sensitive actions need to be taken. Employ crosxs training to have alternative contacts readgyto go. 5.
Don't wait to If an organization has access to hot orcold back-upl sites, a common mistake is to wait too long beforew declaring an emergency and relocatinh personnel. If an organizationn is located in an area for which a governmenrt evacuation order hasbeen issued, it shoulrd declare and relocate 6. Don't forget about your Develop procedures for technical recovery scriptx that will be deployed to help get your IT infrastructur e upand running. Make the scripts comprehensived and easy to understand so people who are not familiarr with them can easilyfollow 7. Keep your vendor list current.
Strictlyg enforce change management and contro l processes to help ensure vendof contacts are current so vital serviceas will be quickly availablewhen needed. 8. Considerr the impact outside ofyour organization. In the eventy of a disaster, will your vendorsw be able to perform theird roles in supporting your critical technical infrastructure andbusiness processes? Considerd looking at secondary providers as a precaution. Take time to evaluats whether support or maintenance contracts need to be extendec or have levels ofsupport modified. 9. Evaluatew readiness and completeness of offsitwedata storage. Paper records and backupo tapes may betotally lost, destroyed or unavailable.
Developp contingencies in the event deliveryyof offsite-stored data is Investigate using electronic media - through disk to disk backuo - to help safeguard and provide backup 10. Take the guesswork out of server Should adisaster occur, re-building servers from the groundf up consumes time and stretcheds internal IT resources. Consider workingv with a third-party provider that can simplify thesre processes by rebuilding your operatint systems on its ownservers - enablingv a speedy and more cost-effective "Just because hurricane season has begun does not mean there isn't time to prepare," said Mr. DiLossi.
"Organizations oftenm get overwhelmed by disaster recovery planning but inthe short-ternm they can take the first steps of updating notification coordinating with outside vendors/agencies and testing current plans. It cannot be said enougb times - test the way you recover the wayyou test." SunGardd Availability Services provides process expertise and automation combinexd with an enterprise-class IT infrastructure - a protocol-independentf network, hardened facilities and redundangt power systems. In addition, the companuy has a 100 percent success rate helpintg customers to recover inits 30-yeadr history.
SunGard Availability Services provides disaster recovery managedIT services, information availability consulting services and businesas continuity management software to more than 10,000 customeras in North America and Europe. With four millioh square feet of datacentef andoperations space, SunGard assists IT organizationsz across virtually all industry and governmen sectors prepare for and recover from emergenciesw by helping them minimize their computer downtime and optimizer their uptime.
Through direct sales and channel partners, we help organizations ensure their people and customers have uninterruptedd access to the information systems they need in order to do To learn more, visit or call 1-800-468-7483. SunGardr is one of the world'a leading software and IT services SunGard serves morethan 25,000 customerx in more than 70 countries, including the world'ss 25 largest financial services companies. SunGard provides softwarew and processing solutions forfinancial services, higher education and the public sector. SunGarde also provides disasterrecovery services, managed IT information availability consulting services and business continuity managementy software.
With annual revenue exceeding $5 billion, SunGarxd is ranked 435 on the Fortune 500 and is the larges t privately held business software and serviced company on the Forbes list of private Based on information compiledby Datamonitor*, SunGars is the third largestf provider of business applications softwar e after Oracle and SAP. Continuity, Insurancer & Risk has recognized SunGard as service provider of the year an unprecedentedfive times. For more please visit SunGardat . *January 2009 Technology Vendors Financiakl Database TrackerTrademark Information: SunGard and the SunGard logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGarsd Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S.
and othedr countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registereds trademarks of theirrespective
Sunday, December 2, 2012
BofA raises almost all of $33.9B buffer - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
billion. Last month, BofA sold $13.54 billion in common stock. The bank issuedr 1.25 billion shares at an average priceof $10.77y per share. BofA also sold a 5.7 percent stake in to Asiaj investors for a gainof $4.5 In addition, BofA agreed to exchange $9.5 billiojn in preferred shares for 704 million shares of commomn stock. BofA expects to garnerf $1.3 billion from reduced dividends on thepreferre shares. The exchange doesn’t apply to preferred sharew held by thefederal government. So far, BofA has boostefd its Tier 1 common capitalby $2.1 billiom by reducing a deferred tax-asset deduction.
And the bank says it has gainee anadditional $2 billion from the disposition of As part of the company’w capital plan, it coulsd issue up to an additional 296 million commoh shares. “We are pleased to have nearlgy reached our goalthis quickly,” said Joe chief financial officer. The government said BofA had toraise $33. 9 billion after conducting “stress tests” on the country’xs 19 largest banks. The tests were designedx to assessthe banks’ ability to survivs if economic conditions worsen more than expecteed during the next two years.
BofA has receivedd a total of $45 billion in taxpayer aid undee thefederal government’s Troubled Assetr Relief Program, which is designed to thaw the credit marketss and boost the economy. In separate developments, N.C.-based BofA (NYSE: BAC) sold $3 billionm in five-year notes on May 8 and $2.5 billionb in 10-year notes on May 28 withour guarantees.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Syrian Internet Connections Cut for Second Day - Pittsburgh Post Gazette | Syrian Internet Connections Cut for Second Day Pittsburgh Post Gazette BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Activists in Syria reported on Friday that Internet connections were cut for a second successive day, fanning speculation among opponents of President Bashar al-Assad about the government's intentions in coming days. But some ... Syria s uffers Internet blackout as connections switched off Surprising video shows Syrian Internet connections dropping one by one Syria caused Internet blackout, security firm says |
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Restaurant outlook dampens - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
A total of 60 percent of operatorzs saw lower May sales compared to ayear ago, while 26 percentt said sales were up. The association also says restaurant operators reportedf negative customer traffic levelsin May, the 21st consecutive monthb of traffic declines. "Despite the softer sales outlook, restaurant operators remaine relatively optimistic that the economy will improve in themonthx ahead," the Association said. "Thirty-four percent of restaurangt operators said they expect economic conditions to improve in six down slightly from 37 percent who reportee similarlylast month.
" After reachiny a 10 month high last month, the group says restaurang operators have scaled back plans for capital expenditureds in the coming months, with 41 percent planning to spen money on remodeling or equipment, down from 46 percenf last month.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Scientists claim DNA evidence proves the existence of Bigfoot - SlashGear
SlashGear | Scientists claim DNA evidence proves the existence of Bigfoot SlashGear A team of scientists are claiming to have verified through a five-year-long DNA study that Bigfoot does in fact exist. According to the researchers, Bigfoot or Sasquatch does in fact live in North America and the scientists claim that their DNA study ... New DNA study proves existence of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot ... DNA Study Proves Bigfoot Existence Big Foot DNA Discovered? Study Claims To Have Proven Sasquatch's Existence |
Monday, November 26, 2012
CAD software maker Revware buys MicroScribe from Immersion Corp. - Nashville Business Journal:
CAD in an acronym for computer-aided design. Immersio has several business lines with products developed for applications ranging from gaming tomedical uses. Revware president Tom Welshu said that his company has been using MicroScribr products for 15 years and when he saw that Immersiohn was looking tosell MicroScribe, he jumped on the “We are going to be able to focus on MicroScribew in a way that Immersion was not able to,” Welsgh said.
Revware was formerly known as , a compang that was a software developer as well as a reselle of the SolidWorks CAD The company grew in the 1990s along with the technologhy bubble andin 2001, Design Automation made Trianglew Business Journal’s annual ranking of the 50 fastest-growinfg companies in the Raleigh-Durham area. Welsh said Designm Automation, which peaked at 15 employees, had pared down since the technology bubble Revware has fewer than five Welsh said with the acquisitionof MicroScribe, the company will grow in Raleigg and on the West But he declined to elaborate, sayinvg that negotiations are still under way.
Welsjh did say Revware is taking steps to reactivatse resale channelsfor MicroScribe.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Fed expects little inflation - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Fed’s benchmark interest rate was held stead in a range of 0to 0.25 The Fed “continues to anticipatee that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionallt low levels of the federal funds rate for an extendexd period,” it said in a statement released following its Despite rising energy and commodity prices, “the committee expectzs that inflation will remain subdued for some time,” the statement said. The Federap Reserve also left its bond purchaseplands unchanged, repeating its commitment to buy up to $1.25 trillio of agency mortgage-backed securities and up to $200 billion of agencyg debt by the end of the year.
The Federal Reservwe also will buy upto $300 billioh of Treasury securities by The Fed now believes the pace of economi contraction is slowing, citing furthed signs of household spending stabilizing and improving conditions in the financialo markets. Among economic reports that may supportthe Fed’ belief that the economy will soon be on the mend was the latest data report on factory orders, showing that orders for durablse goods unexpectedly rose in May for the secone consecutive month.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Dallas City Council Authorizes Sale of Bonds to Build Omni Dallas Convention Center Hotel
"Clearly we've already seen a tremendouas response to the hotel in terms of futurerconvention bookings," said Mayor . "Now, we just have to sell the get to work and finish the hotel in time for groupsx showing up inJanuary 2012." "We have receives overwhelming positive feedback and interest from meeting plannersz and associations across the nation in regard to the hotel, " said , president and CEO for the Dallas Conventiom & Visitors Bureau. "Along with Omni we are ready to book meetings and conventionsfor Dallas." In Februaryt 2009, Omni Hotels was selected to operate the Dallas Conventionb Center Hotel.
The planned hotel will be connected tothe , one of the largesg in the US with over one million square feet of exhibiy space, to attract more meetings and conventionsd to Dallas. The current design of the hotelk includesover 80,000 square feet of meeting several restaurants and lounges and a signature spa. "Omni congratulates the mayor and City Council for theidr efforts every step of the way througghthis process," said , president for Omni "The Omni Dallas Convention Center Hotel is importanr to the economic growtyh of our city, and we are ready to move forward." The luxury hotel brand is headquartered in Las Colinaws and currently has three hotels locateds in the Dallas Fort Worth area.
Omni Hotelds creates compelling, memorable guest experiencews at 43 luxury hotels and resorts in leading businesws gateways and leisure destinations acrossNorthh America. From exceptional golf and spa retreats to dynamicvbusiness settings, each location features four-diamond including award-winning signature restaurants, Wi-Fio connectivity and unique fitness options. Omni'sd mission for total customer service is furthe r supported byits "Power of One" program that empowersw associates to make on-the-spot decisions to meet or exceed guest expectations. Guests can locate hotels and book accommodationsz by visiting or bycalling 1-800-THE-OMNI. Dallazs is a destination that inspiresbig ideas.
As the No. 1 visitorr destination in Texas, the Dallas area offerxs the best shopping in the a cutting-edge culinary scene led by nationallh acclaimed celebrity chefs, 70,000 hotel rooms, ranging from luxury to boutique, and more than 200 golf The city boasts the largest contiguous urban arts districtr in the U.S. with five cultural venues designerd byPritzker Prize-winning architects. In addition, the Dallasa metropolitan area is the only one in the Southwesty to host teams representing five major professionallsports leagues, including the legendargy Dallas Cowboys.
The Dallas area is also the largest film and televisio production center in Texas and the location of the DallazFilm Commission. For additional information about the see . Live Large. Thinkm Big.(TM)
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wilner: Bowl game forecast for Stanford and San Jose State - San Jose Mercury News
Wilner: Bowl game forecast for Stanford and San Jose State San Jose Mercury News Fresh off its upset of top-ranked Oregon, the Cardinal (9-2) is within range of its third consecutive appearance in the Bowl Championship Series and could reach the BCS even if it loses to UCLA on Saturday. Resurgent San Jose State (9-2) is bowling for ... |
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Chiang: 50 days to California financial meltdown - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Chiang said the state’s cash balance is dangerousl y closeto insolvent. The state is operatin g on the proceeds of revenus anticipation notes andinternalk borrowing. That is expected to get the states throughJune 30, but that’s abouy it. There is little reserve to carry into protractefdbudget negotiations, which usually happens with the Californiw budget. Chiang said the statd will exhaust all available cash sometimein July. “Withoutr immediate solutions from the Governorand Legislature, we are less than 50 days away from a meltdowjn of State government.
This presents a terribled threatto California’s economy and to the State’s deliveru of basic public services,” said “A truly balanced budget is the only responsible way out of the worst cash crisis since the Greart Depression.” Revenue has fallen $827 beloe the projections assumed in the May budgeyt revision. California personal income tax collections were 23 percentg below estimates madein May. Corporatre taxes were 29 percenty below estimates and sales tax collectionswere 3.3 percen below expectations. Those shortfalls combined fell $668 millionh short of projections used in the Maybudget revision.
Monday, November 19, 2012
50 Shades of Grey in Scientific Publication: How Digital Publishing Is Harming ... - Huffington Post
50 Shades of Grey in Scientific Publication: How Digital Publishing Is Harming ... Huffington Post Newsweek is dead. But we have Twitter. Harper-Collins just closed its last warehouse of books in the United States. Cambridge University Press, the oldest publisher of scholarly books and journals in the world, printing continuously since 1584, ceased ... |
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Cellino, Barnes donate $1M to UB - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Lisa Mueller, assistant dean for alumni and said the gift matches thelargest single-donation in the history of the law the $1 million givenh in 2002 by Francis Letro, who graduatee UB Law School in 1979 and went on to founde a successful personal injury firm. In a release announcinb the gift, University at Buffalo Law School Dean Makau Mutua calledit “an extraordinary act of and “a wonderful down paymen on our vision of academic excellence and our bold aspirations for the future.
” Mutua said he plansa to invest the gift in the calling them the central core of the law Specifically, he said the money will go toward making improvements in pedagogical technologies in the school and upgradint services. Steve Barnes, who foundecd the law firm alon g withRoss Cellino, said they felt they owed a debt of gratitudde to the school where they got their start. “Both Ross and I are graduatess of the law schooland we’ves come to know many of the professors and administrators very he said.
“Makau Mutua is just an outstanding individual and he has a visionj thatwe haven’t seen at the school Barnes said the decision to make the gift an unrestrictes donation reflects the confidence they have in the administratorss at the University to utilize the money in the most effectives ways possible. “We are lawyers, we didn’t feel as though we are in a positioh to dictate how the moneywas spent,” he “We have a lot of confidence in Makau’s vision and we have had long discussions abouy where he wants to take the school and we’re on the same Recognizing the generosity of Cellino and the school has announced planx to name their main conference located in O’Brian Hall, The Cellino and Barness Conference Center.
Asked what it feels like to be in a position to giveaway $1 especially given the currenft economic climate, Barnes put the gift into “Both Ross and I come from very humble beginning and kind of worked our way up from the he said. “We started out as just the twoof us, now, the practice is a lucrative practice and I’m just glad we were able to help at a time that I thinjk is very critical to the law school.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Dailies diversify in the face of falling ad dollars - The Business Review (Albany):
Nationally, paid circulation is at a 62-yearf low, after dipping 3.5 percent in the six monthss endedMarch 30. Advertisinh revenue fell 9.6 percent in 2007, and many indicators point to aworse 2008. In the first quarter, ad revenuse dropped 14 percent. In response, papers across the country, and have cut jobs. Changing lifestyles, alternativew news sources, rising costs and the troubled economuy have come together to challenge an industry once considered acash cow. And yet, the Times the area's largest daily, is investinv $60 million in a buildiny expansion and new Publisher Mark Aldam said this is not a denial ofthe industry'sw problems, but a responsre to them.
All newspapers, he need to diversify. One of the Times Union's plansz is to go after commercialprintingy business. The paper also has created a searc h enginemarketing firm, introduced a lifestyle struck a distribution deal with two and enhanced its Web site. "You firstg have to confront reality," Aldam said. "And then you have to figure out what to dowith it." First, the bad news The realitgy is rather grim. "I've been doingh this for 28 years and this is as challengingf as I have ever seen saidDaniel Beck, general manager of The in Circulation nationally has declinee or held flat every year since losing 20 percent in that period, accordinvg to the .
Experts have pointed to busier lifestyles, tighter budgets, telemarketing laws that have restricted subscriptionsalee efforts, and the growth of Internet and cablee news. Since 2003, the Times Union, Gazettde and five other area papers for which comparativew figures are available had a combiner circulation loss of more than 12 Surveys show that overall readershipis up, if Web sitezs are included. Publishers have poured resources into theire Web editions to keep up with a societyy that expects to findnews online, for But Web sites can pull from paid And while online advertising is it is not making up for losses on the print NAA figures show that while print advertising fell by $4.
5 billionm in 2007, newspaper Web advertising increased by only $400 Print classifieds took the biggest drop, fallin 16.5 percent in 2007. Much of this activith moved to Internet sites such as The real estate and automotive categories have been particularl hard hit bythe economy. Banks, retailers and othef traditional display advertisers also areholding back. Aldam declined to provide figures, but said the Timesa Union's ad revenue is "worse than our planned expectations." "Thew question is, are we squeezing out what newspapers were destinedx to lose to theInternet anyway, but sooned than we would have becauses of the economy?" he asked.
"Imn the past, we could look forwarrd to ad revenue returning when the economy bounced But will itthis time, with so many new mediaz options out there?" Meanwhile, newsprint prices have risen. One sourcee put the price of one gradd of newsprintat $743 per metric ton, up from $688 in May. Add that to gas prices and otherrising costs, and profit margins that once averaged 25 percent are falling into the mid-teens. "Newspaper s are in transition," said John Kimball, chief marketinv officer for the NAA. "Their business model is based onone reality, but we are dealinvg with another reality. How do you get your arms aroundr the newbusiness model?
" Many newspapers began by trimming costs. More than 3,600 newspaper jobs have been cut this through the end of and the pacehas accelerated. Cuts, to name a few, includw 150 at Newsday; 1,400 at , whic owns the , and 28 others; 130 at the , etc. In announced 57 cuts--or 25 percent of the newsroom. Locally, the Timesd Union accepted buy-outs from 25 employeesd and laid off six production The Gazette laid off sixin June, followingy a 12-person cut a year It also has reduced its staff through attrition over the past few and actually employs half the people it did a decade ago.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
BLM seeks comment on use of public land for large solar-energy projects - Boston Business Journal:
The land management agency that 24 larger tracts of federal land in theWest — including nearlgy 21,000 acres in Colorado’s San Luis Valley would be studied for their solar powe potential. Other states involved are California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New The goal is to speed projecyt permittingfor utility-scale solaf power projects. The 24 tractss — known as Solar Energy Studty Areas, totaling 670,000 acres — will be evaluatee for their environmental and resource suitabilityfor large-scals solar energy production.
In Colorado, the three areas in the San Luis Valley that will be part of the studu could generate upto 4,182 megawattd of solar power if fully developed, according to the , whicgh oversees BLM. Areas deemed suitabler for large solar power projectse would be available for companied to build installations with a capacity of 10 megawatts or Companies proposing projects in these areas would be eligible for fastertpermit processing, the department said. The land in the Solaer Energy Study Areas will be lookecd at as part of anexistingv solar-power environmental impact study the departmen t is conducting in six Westernj states.
An in-depth environmental revieww is being paid for with money from the Americam Reinvestment andRecovery Act, the announcementr said. BLM said last montuh it has received 158 applications for solar power projectsz on federal lands in the In Colorado, BLM is seeking commenrt on potential solar development of lands in the De Tillwa Gulch, Los Mogotes East, Antoniti Southeast, and Fourmile East areas of southern BLM manages 256 million acres of federalo public land, including more than 8 million in Colorado. in PDF format. The public commentt period endsJuly 30.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
CEO Ellison says Oracle might make netbooks - South Florida Business Journal:
His comments came at a Sun conference for usere of Java software which he also said could be used on Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL) earlier this year agreed to acquirw Sun (NASDAQ:JAVA) for $7 billion. "Iu don't see why some of those devicew shouldn't come from Sun," Reuters quotedd Ellison as saying. "There will be computersa that are fundamentally based on Netbooks are inexpensive laptop computers designed to connec t wirelessly and are used primarily for checking emaill and browsingthe Web. The market for them is expected to grow to between 20 millioh and 30 million unitsthis year, up from the 11.7 millio n sold last year when their salex took off.
Most PC makers now have a netboo model and if Oracle does get into the market it will go up againstthe . (NASDAQ:HPQ) and , which either make netbooks or develo softwarefor them. Acer said Tuesday it will make a laptol runningon ’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android operating system insteax of Microsoft Windows, which most makers now use.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Heritage rushing attack foils Aztecs - The Desert Sun
Heritage rushing attack foils Aztecs The Desert Sun MENIFEE รข" In a closer game than many expected, the Palm Desert High School footb » |
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Ohio settles with T.J. Maxx parent over security breach probe - Dayton Business Journal:
Attorney General Richard Cordray on Tuesday unveiled details of a settlementwith Framingham, Mass.-bases TJX Companies Inc. (NYSE:TJX). The retailed is paying $9.75 million to the states, including $386,000o to Ohio. TJX more than two years ago alerted the publicv that its computer systems had been opening up cardholder data and other personal informatio n topotential theft. The breach was part of a massivs scheme that led to 11 federal indictmentw nearly ayear ago. Defendants broughrt up on charges by federal investigatorsd were accused of tapping into the networks of TJX store s along with Barnes Noble Inc. (NYSE:BKS) and Columbus-based DSW Inc. among others.
Cordray said an investigation found that from 2005to TJX’s data security systems had flawsd that allowed the breach and let it go More than 94 million debit and creditf cards were put at risk as a resul of the breach, Cordray said. Kim a spokeswoman for Cordray’s declined to release Ohio-specific details on consumers affected as they were part of staterattorneys generals’ investigation, but said the tally is “i the thousands.” The company has more than 2,60o0 T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods and A.J.
Wrightf stores, including about 70 in TJX in a statement on Tuesday saidit “firml y believes that it did not violate any consumert protection or data security laws.” “The decisiomn to enter into this settlement reflectws TJX’s desire to concentrate on its core business withouyt distraction and to promote cybet security measures that will benefit all the company said. TJX previously has settled with Visa and MasterCare over losses tied to the agreeing to pay out morethan $60 millionn to the two companies.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Oil-and-gas firm TXCO hires financial advisor to explore strategic alternatives - San Antonio Business Journal:
The company may consider a merger or a sale but no formapl decisions havebeen made, nor have any agreementas been reached at this time. TXCO TXCO) will not disclose any developmentxs from this review unless the boards of directors approves adefinitive agreement. “TXCi continues to have outstandinhg long-term growth opportunities,” CEO Jamez E. Sigmon says. “We remain in an earlh stage of development, considering the largde acreage position we have for a firm our size and the potential of our multipleresource plays.
We are exploring all strategi alternatives to assure that we can maximizw value for our shareholders as we adapt tothe industry’s unstable financial and commodity price environment.” TXCO’s stock is currently trading in the $1.50 down from a 52-week high of $15.30. Like many oil and gas TXCO’s revenues have been impactede by the sizable drop in the commodity pricd of crude oil andnatural gas. Oil was trading as low as $35 per barrel on the as of Natural gas has been trading inthe $4.
400 per thousand cubic foot San Antonio-based TXCO is an independent oil and gas companh with drilling interests in the Maverickm Basin, the onshore Gulf Coast region and the Marf a Basin in Texas as well as the Mid-continent regiom of western Oklahoma.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Vital Signs: Tailor Parkinson's treatment to the individual - The Daily Progress
Vital Signs: Tailor Parkinson's treatment to the individual The Daily Progress Vital Signs is a community health promotion column sponsored by Martha Jefferson Hospital, Region Ten, Thomas Jefferson Health District and University of Virginia Health System. For more information on the UVA Parkinson's Disease Program, visit ... |
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Kauffman Stadium upgrades steam toward opening day - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The Royals offered a tour of the busy construction site to memberes of the media onThursday afternoon. The tour made it apparentg that by the time the projectis completed, fans re-enterinf the stadium this season will hardlyu recognize the place. “It’s really a complete new ballparl being built around the seating saidBob Rice, Royals vice presidenrt of ballpark operations. “We think fans are goin to love it. There will be a lot more to doand see. Therse will be a lot more activitiesand entertainment.
” Concoursex throughout the stadium will be completelh new, filled with new restaurants and concession all run by The outfield walkways offer the most new everything from a barbecue restaurant to an entertainment stage to a new Littls K and carousel for the kids. “We triedx to make sure we offered something for Rice said. “We’ve got activitiews and entertainmentfor kids, families, young adultes and older adults.” The most challenginbg part of the project from a constructiojn standpoint is the installation of new suitese and press boxes behind home plate.
Constructioh crews had to cut out about 15 rows to make remove the concrete and install new steelsupport beams. New seats were installed in the in the formergrassg area. A bar was built on the base of theformer Jumbotron, with placed to stand and watch the game. Two giangt openings called vomitories were cut into the Club Leveol onthe first-base and third-based sides, to tie in the concoursexs behind the seating bowl. New bathrooms were installed throughout the offering one spot for everyt70 people.
For concessions and retail, there will be one pointt of sale for each 150 A lot of work remains tobe done, but Kevinn Uhlich, senior vice presidentt of business operations, said virtually everything will be completed in time for openingv day. The only big project that won’rt be is the new Royals Hall of under construction inleft field. Uhlich said that will be open bythe All-Starr break. Uhlich said he expects this year’es opening day to be a very special event. “It will be a very fun day because not only will it be ourgrandd reopening, but it’s our 40th Anniversary he said.
“We’ll open the outfield areas reallyt earlythat day, to let people explore and have fun. Our pregamr show will be a little different becausw there will be a lotof We’ll unveil the statues of Georgs Brett and Frank White, and the new one we had made of Dick
Friday, November 2, 2012
Date finally set for 55 West groundbreaking - Orlando Business Journal:
A ceremonial groundbreaking forthe 363-unit downtown condo tower valued at $140 million is set for Aprill 12. Along with the condos, planas for the project include 80,00p0 square feet of restaurant andretail space; an 11-storuy parking garage; and a 12th floor pool, sun deck and pet The announcement is a long time Euro American originally introduced plans for 55 West more than 19 monthse ago. Initially, the Tampa Bay-based developer was supposedr to break ground on the project this Whenit didn't, rumorsd circulated that the financing had fallen through and investors were pulling out.
The scheduling of the groundbreaking was fueled by Euro Americanand 'as success in turning the project's condo reservationsz into hard contracts. As of Nov. 1, Condo HQ reportex that 30 percent of its condos were underhard contracts. The firm expectes to announce close to 40 percent soldby Dec. 1. Motoristsw along busy Semoran Boulevard near Aloma Avenue are gettingt neck strain from trying to catch a view of what lookss like anew eatery. It's not new, it's the reborn Shells Restaurant that was destroyedf by fire back duringHurricane Jeanne. The makeover includesa new colors, new signage, new uniforms -- but a similafr menu with the emphasis on fresh seafooc andlow prices.
The signaturre dish -- spaghetti and shrimp in cheesesauces -- remains a popular says consultant and President Rick Van who helped craft the redesign. The companyg plans to redo all six ofits Orlando-area storexs during the next year or two. The have a new official home builder. Orlando-based has signed a two-year sponsorshipp agreement withthe Preds. With the Nicholson will get afield logo, dasher boarfd signage and JumboTron advertisements at the TD Waterhousee Centre during Orlando Predators gamews for the 2005 and 2006 In addition to VIP tickets, the home builderr also will receive a block of season ticketes for promotional use.
A side element of the agreementy calls for Nicholson Homes to serve as the officia contractor should any fan win the new housr inthe "Pinnacle Financial Kick To promotion. The Preds signed a similar sponsorship agreementwith Orlando-based mortgage company last Seems some folks at Orlando Regionakl Healthcare have decided to make some careee changes. Ken Peach, who previouslh was product line marketing directof forOrlando Regional, has moved over to work at The And Page Sturgill, who workefd at before becoming community relations director for Orlando Regional a year ago, now is physiciamn relations marketing consultant for the health care system'x St. Cloud Hospital.
There, she'lol be responsible for initiatives such asphysiciajn recruitment, retention and communications. For at least one Orland eatery, the holiday spirit already has been good to thebottomk line. McCormick & Schmick's, locate in the Mall at has been booking holiday parties at arecord "We've already booked 26 parties," says Kimberlg Goodale, the restaurant's banquet At least two involve groupas taking over the restaurant for a meal periode as opposed to using the 64-seat private dininb room. One party, for a groupp of employees, includes 120 people and a full luncheomn menu from appetizersto desserts.
Another, a function for a nearbh auto dealership, will feed 200 people for Clients, says Goodale, pay a fixed prics to pay for the exclusivity and the foodwith taxes, tip and alcohol adde d on. "It's a really nice way to say thank Goodale adds. She also notews that the private partybusiness isn' t just for holidays -- she just booked a series of receptions for pharmaceutical firms in January. Whilse the red neon outlinre of Harvey's Bistro's signature red rabbit hadn't lit up yet, the newesyt Harvey's location -- an addition to Mannty Garcia's restaurant empire -- openedx Nov.
20 in Park Place, the Pelloni family'sa 22-acre, 100,000-square-foot, $24 million retail developmen inLake Mary. While the menu includes some of theoriginao Harvey's signature dishes -- such as chicken Vesuvioi and steak tartare -- a modified menu in both locationsw has added a calamari steak entree and an already popular lobsteer Napoleon appetizer. Missing, for now at least, is meatloav Palinski. But Garcia says it might make an appearance as the menu isfurthere tweaked. Business has been brisk since the opening in an area alreadyu inundated withcompetitive restaurants, says a spokeswoman.
Fundin g for the new Harvey'ss is coming from , a publicly traded Heathrow-based restaurang franchise company. and the CED Cos. are bringinyg a little bit of publiv art to NorthBridge Apartment Homes onMilleniaw Lake. A sculpture by Alberyt Paley will be installedat CED'sa new 607-unit apartment community in southwesrt Orange County. Commissioned by Milleni Gallery, the 25-foot-tall, 5-ton metal sculpture is scheduled forinstallation Nov. 30 in frony of the NorthBridge Meeting which is located atthe community'd entryway.
The Loop, about to be Osceola County'xs first and only outdoorf village-style retail center, recentlt signed on quite a number of stores to round out itssmallefr tenants. The center, at the corner of John Young andOsceola parkways, alreadh is scheduled to have Regal Cinemas 16, Sports Authority, Ross and Bed, Bath Beyond. Newest additions include Old home decorstore Kirkland's, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Johnnhy Rockets, Barnie's Coffee & Tea Co. and Ben & Jerry'sz Ice Cream, plus a hair salon, nail salonn and vitamin shop. The Loop should open in late springg 2005.
Since Lee Rose died in earlg 2003, her children have attempted to managr the operations of hersignature restaurant, Lee's Lakeside, as well as the and an adjoininb catering kitchen and bar. And now they've just hirexd Orlando-based Restaurant Partners Inc. to take over the Dave Manuchia, president of the firm, says his team beganj managing theoperation Oct. 4 and that customers will beginn to see changes in the next few weeke inthe menu, decor and even the Staff report compiled by Noelle C. Christine Selvaggi Baumann, Bob Mervind and Susan Lundine.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Lincoln National reveals financial plans - Memphis Business Journal:
Shares closed 11 percent lower Mondaat $15.83, on a day the marketzs lost more than 2 percent. Lincoln National said it will targetabout $950 million in preferred stocok from TARP’s Capital Purchaswe Program. It will also try and raise $600 million through a common stock offerinhgand $500 million in senior The underwriters of the offering will have a 30-daty option to buy up to an additional 15 percent of the offeredd amount of common shares from the company.
Lincolj National said it intends to contributeabout $1 billionb of the proceeds to its principal insurance subsidiary, , with the remaininb $1 billion held at the holding company for generalk corporate purposes, including the repayment of short-term debt and investment in the company’s core businesses. In a separate release Monday announcinfanother cost-cutting maneuver, Lincoln Nationa l said that it agreed to sell its British Lincoln National (UK) plc, to SLF of Canada UK Ltd. for an estimatedd 195 British pounds. Lincoln said the transaction, expected to closee on or around Sept.
30, should generater estimated proceeds ofbetween $280 million and $300 million, which will be used for core U.S. SLF is owned by Toronto-based Sun Life where former Lincoln CEO Jon Bosciqa isnow president. Lincoln National said thesew actions supplementdividend reductions, cost cuts, and other actions previousl y taken to strengthen its capital and and solidify the company’s capital position at both the subsidiary and holding companu levels. The Philadelphia-based company believes that TARP participatiomn provides additionalcapital flexibility.
The companuy expects to repay thisfinancing “ae soon as practicable, taking into consideration appropriatde balance sheet strength and capitakl markets conditions.” The finapl level of Lincoln’s participation is expected to be announced by the end of Last month, Lincoln National receivexd preliminary approval for up to $2.5 billion underd the program. It said the exact level of its participation will be determined by the end of this Lincoln is one of six insurance companiexs to receive such The $700 billion Troubled Asseft Relief Program, approved by Congresw last year, was originally intended to buy toxiv loans that were inhibiting bankxs from making additional loans.
But it was also used to make loand to General Motors Chrysler and insurance giant Lincoln National was one of several insurers that applied to becomwe thrift holding companies last fall so they could be consideredx forTARP funds. The insurers had concernzs about the rising number of bad assetxs ontheir books. Lincoln National and othe r insurers saw their stock prices drop in recen months as they waited forgovernmentr approval. As for the stoc k offering, and Merrill Lynch & Co. will serve as globaol coordinators and GoldmanSachs Co. and Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. will serve as joint book-running managers.
In explaining its decision in aregulatorh filing, Lincoln National said that althougyh the capital and credit markets have show recent improvements, those markets have experience d extreme volatility and disruption for more than a year. “Givebn these conditions, our capitalo strategy is to have sufficient capital to offer downside protection in the event that the capitall and credit markets experience another downturn as well as to support growth in ouroperating businesses,” the company said. Lincoln National said it believes thatthe $2 billionm infusion will provide it with sufficient capital to offset a “stress scenario” analysis for 2009 and 2010.
That scenariol would include credit losses and impairments amountin g toapproximately $1.65 or 2.5 percent based on invested assetd as of March 31. Lincoln (NYSE:LNC), which markets itself as , offerss both insurance and investmentymanagement products.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Legislator wants Nixon to cut stimulus money for Kokam battery plant - Washington Business Journal:
Kokam’s , to be dubbex Summit Battery Park, would emplohy an estimated 900 people with average annua salariesof $40,000. Koka President Don Nissanka has said he hopes to breakj ground before the end ofthe year, probablyy at a site of more than 40 acres in the vicinity of Kokam’ss current 50,000-square-foot Lee’s Summit Nissanka was out of the countryh Monday and couldn’t be reached for Kokam, a startup founded in Octobere 2005, burst into the limelighg this year. picked Kansas City for an assembly facility largel y becauseof Kokam’s proximity.
And with federal stimulus dollare and state money seeking a joint venture involving Kokam landed a commitmen t in April ofnearlg $145 million in incentives from Michigan to build a batter y plant there that’s similar to the one planned The group also applied for federal stimulus Schaefer, R-Columbia, sent a lettefr to Nixon on Thursday proposingv that financing be cut by $11.r million combined for Kokam’s Lee’s Summit plany and another battery plant in Joplin to help preservr $31.2 million in financing for the in which Schaefer called the cornerstone of a $200 milliobn hospital project.
“Every indication that I’m getting is that (Nixon) intends to veto the money for the Schaefer said, adding that Nixon’s veto probablu would kill the entire $200 million “Spending public funds on a cancer hospitakl owned by the citizens of Missouri is always going to win out over givinhg public funds to a private company for a batteru plant,” Schaefer said. “Nobody has told me that the lowef amount wouldkill (Kokam’s Lee’s Summit) project.” Nixobn spokesman Scott Holste said the governor will have an announcement about the budget bill before June 30, the end of Missouri’ds fiscal year.
Nixon and his staff have been reviewinhg the budgetbill “line by line to determinw what the state can Holste said, and they want to keep central services in place. Jim Devine, CEO of the l, said he thoughtt Schaefer’s proposal was “not as a threat as the EDC first thought, “bu you never know in politics.” The EDC issuefd a release Friday encouraging Nixon to keep theKokamm plant’s financing fully in place.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Employers struggle with health insurance costs - Jacksonville Business Journal:
billion doctor’s bill, and industry leaderas say it’s causing health insurance plans to increasw deductibles and chip away at benefitsto That’s because when Medicaird and Medicare reimburse health care providerxs at a lower rate than private insurers, some hospitals and doctore shift the cost to commercial payers rather than absorb it. This type of cost-shifting, sometimesd called a “hidden tax,” is estimated to have increaseds hospital and physician costas for privately insured patients by15 percent, according to , a Seattle-basefd consulting firm. Milliman has just released a study commissioned bythe , the and two additionakl health care companies.
It found that cost-shifting annually adds an estimated $1,512, or 10.6 to the average premium for a familyuof four. Scott Serota, president and CEO of Chicago-based Blue Crosws and Blue Shield, said cost-shifting shoulf be an area of focus in the upcomingv comprehensive health care reform expected in the new administrationunder President-elect Barack Obama. Employers absorb the brunt of skyrocketing costs, payingf nearly three-quarters of the shift, according to Milliman. But if they haven’t already, more employers plan to pass costxs on totheir workers.
The Milliman study comes on the heels of a national surveyt to evaluate the health care plans ofnearlyh 2,900 employers, released in late November by Wash.-based . It found that employers held net healtbh benefit cost increases at about 6 percent in the currenty year for a fourthstraighyt year, but that has meant shifting more cost to Employers are evaluating all options. One-thirdd of Florida employers plan toincreasde deductibles, co-payments and out-of-pocket expenses to mitigat e rising costs, according to the Mercee survey of 105 Florida-based Thirty-one percent will increase employees’ share of the premium contribution and 20 percentg will increase employee cost-sharing in some other way.
That’s on top of healtn plan deductibles that doubled last year tomake $1,000p deductibles the norm among U.S. In 2000, about half of employera imposed a deductibleat all, and when they did, the median amount was just $250, according to Mercer. “Employeex are in no better position to pay those saidJanice Donaldson, executive director of the Smalp Business Development Center at the Universitty of North Florida. “That’s a hard sell as an employere to say, ‘Hey, I know you haven’t had a raise this but insurance rates aregoing up.
’ ” Jackiwe Perry, executive director of , said some Jacksonvill e businesses have discontinued coverage to stay and a few have added a retirementt savings account or increased sick and vacatiomn pay to compensate for little or no health insurance The study did not account for businesses with fewer than 10 More than half of all employers in Duval Countyy have fewer than five employees. Mercer respondents estimatef that if they did not make changes to their cost would rise by about 9 Changes to plandesign and/or plan vendorsx were expected to lower their cost increase to 6.4 percent.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Smithfield Foods will close six plants, cut 1,800 jobs - Kansas City Business Journal:
In a release, the company SFD), based in Smithfield, Va., said it will consolidate severalbusiness units, includingt and Farmland Foods. Some of the John Morrelo sales group staff will be offered jobs at Farmlands Foods in Kansas City or elsewhere withinnSmithfield Foods. Smithfield Foods spokeswoman Beth Andersen said that the compan y will offer fewer than 20 John Morrelk sales employees transfers to Farmlande Foods in Kansas City and that Farmland Foods has about 270area employees. The companu said it expects the restructuring to yield annuaol cost savings ofabout $55 millionn in fiscal 2010 and $125 million by fiscal 2011.
Smithfiel d said it expects to take apreta charge, mainly for noncash assetr writedowns, of about $85 million in its fiscal third which ends Feb. 1, and one-time pretax charges of about $30 million as it implements the plan in the nextthree quarters. The company estimated that $53 million in capital expenditurea will be required for plant consolidations in the remainde r of fiscal 2009 and infiscal 2010. south facility in Smithfield, Va., in December. • A Plantt City, Fla., plant that produces packaged meats, in September. • The Smithfielxd Packing Co. plant in N.C., in late summer. • A John Morrel plant in Great Bend, in July.
• The Farmlane Foods New Riegel, Ohio, plant, in • An packaged-meats planft in Hastings, Neb., in July. “Layoffs and plant closings are difficulft butnecessary decisions,” Smithfield CEO C. Larrgy Pope said in the release. “We know that this will creatre adversity for theemployees affected, and we will work with uniomn officials and others to determiner how we can provide assistances to our employees to find futurr employment. Also, we will be transferringf many employees to other In addition to the plant closings and job Smithfield Foods will reduce the number of its operating companiees in the pork division to threefrom seven.
Four existing independengt operating companies will be combined under the variouss business units of The SmithfieldrPacking Co., John Morrell & Co. and Farmlans Foods. “The plan will better alignm the company by enhancing operating efficiencies and increasing utilization rates to reducwe our overall manufacturing and overhead which will make Smithfield Foods a more competitive Pope said. Pope also said the compan y had entered into amendments of its Unitesd States and European credit facilities to reduce the applicable interesf coverage ratio for specified periods through the thirdc quarter offiscal 2010. The company reported salexs in its pork divisionof $2.
5 billion for the fiscal seconsd quarter, which ended Oct. 26, up 10.7 percent from $2.334 billion a year earlier. Overall second-quarter sales were $3.16 billion, up 14.6 percent from $2.75 billion a year Earnings for the quarterwere $4.2 or 3 cents a share, down 76 percenrt from $17.4 million, or 13 cents a the prior year.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Training programs to get boost from stimulus funds - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Officials at in Pewaukee are in the midsft of examining existing programs for dislocated workers and thoses seekingcareer changes, said Margaret Ellibee, the college’s vice president of strategic effectiveness and advancement. “It’s a littlwe premature at this point to talk abouytstimulus funding,” she said. Nonetheless, preparationes are being made so the colleg e can react quickly once federal fundasbecome available, she said. “We are looking at how to continu to partner with othet entities so if money does come we can design something to fitspecificc criteria,” Ellibee said.
The college begann to see a significantt increase in demand for the servicesw offered at its career center beginning in Decembet as the economy continuedxto weaken, she said. The centert offers career assessment and services and offers assistance with onlin e job searches andresume writing.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Lewis: Feds pressured BofA on Merrill - South Florida Business Journal:
But some lawmakers questioned how much of the pressure was actuallty made by Lewis in an attempt to secure more taxpayer aid forhis “The Treasury Department provided $20 billion for a shotgunn wedding. But the question is, who was holdintg the shotgun?” Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-New York) said durinhg the hearing. The hearing, conducted by the Housed Committee on Oversight andGovernmenrt Reform, was focused on federal officials’ role in BofA’s purchasse of Merrill Lynch. Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) boughg Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.
1 The deal resulted in BofA’zs receiving an additional $20 billion in federall funds under the Troubled Asset Relief BofA has received a totalof $45 billion in TARP Lewis has been under intense pressure from BofA shareholders for not disclosinbg the depth of Merrill’s financiap difficulties before the Merrill lost $15.3 billiojn in the fourth quarter. Lawmakers questioned Lewis on reportsw that he felt pressured byfederal authorities, including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and former Treasury Secretaryt Henry Paulson, to go ahead with the deal in Decembefr as Merrill’s losses mounted. Lewis testifief that BofA contacted officials atthe U.S.
Treasurt and Federal Reserve in mid-December to inform them that thebank “har serious concerns about closingg the transaction.” BofA, he was considering declaring a “material adversed change,” which can allow an acquirerf to back out of a proposex deal. Lewis testified that Paulson toldhim BofA’sa management “would or could” be removed if the bank backed out of the When lawmakers pressed him Thursdagy on the alleged threatsx by regulators, Lewis said both parties were concerned aboug making the best decisions for the healthh of the U.S. economy and BofA.
He explained that a decisiojn that would harm the economy would also harm BofA because of its massivd sizeand breadth. Lewis testifiecd that he wasn’t intimidated by the threayt of losing his job but bythe “seriousnesd of the threat” and the ramifications on the overall economy had an influence on his “Just six months later, it is easy to forge t just how close to the brink our systemj came,” Lewis said. “I will neveer forget.” Still, some lawmakers suggested Lewis should have knowmabout Merrill’s losses beforse December.
They pointed out an e-mail in whic h Bernanke suggested Lewis’ threat to back out of the Merrilo deal wasa “bargaining Lawmakers also pointed to other e-mails from regulatorsz suggesting Lewis’ claims aboutg surprising losses were “not credible.” Rep. Dennisz Kucinich (D-Ohio), among others, suggested the e-mails indicated Lewiws threatened to call off the Merril deal as a way to land moregovernment aid. “It’s quite possible it was Bank of America that put a gun to the head of the Kucinich said. BofA eventually closed the deal withMerrillo Lynch, and received a $20 billion loan from the TARP fund to coverf the Merrill losses.
Also on Thursday, Lewie indicated that federal officials never askeds him to withhold information from shareholders that BofA thought needex tobe disclosed. That caused lawmakers to remind him he wasundet oath. In February, Lewis testified before New York Attorne General Andrew Cuomo that Bernanke and Paulson pressured the bank not to discusa its increasingly troubled plan tobuy Merrill. The congressional committee expectd to call Paulson and Bernanke for similad hearings as it continuesits