Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BLM seeks comment on use of public land for large solar-energy projects - Boston Business Journal:
The land management agency that 24 larger tracts of federal land in theWest — including nearlgy 21,000 acres in Colorado’s San Luis Valley would be studied for their solar powe potential. Other states involved are California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New The goal is to speed projecyt permittingfor utility-scale solaf power projects. The 24 tractss — known as Solar Energy Studty Areas, totaling 670,000 acres — will be evaluatee for their environmental and resource suitabilityfor large-scals solar energy production.
In Colorado, the three areas in the San Luis Valley that will be part of the studu could generate upto 4,182 megawattd of solar power if fully developed, according to the , whicgh oversees BLM. Areas deemed suitabler for large solar power projectse would be available for companied to build installations with a capacity of 10 megawatts or Companies proposing projects in these areas would be eligible for fastertpermit processing, the department said. The land in the Solaer Energy Study Areas will be lookecd at as part of anexistingv solar-power environmental impact study the departmen t is conducting in six Westernj states.
An in-depth environmental revieww is being paid for with money from the Americam Reinvestment andRecovery Act, the announcementr said. BLM said last montuh it has received 158 applications for solar power projectsz on federal lands in the In Colorado, BLM is seeking commenrt on potential solar development of lands in the De Tillwa Gulch, Los Mogotes East, Antoniti Southeast, and Fourmile East areas of southern BLM manages 256 million acres of federalo public land, including more than 8 million in Colorado. in PDF format. The public commentt period endsJuly 30.

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