The high profile professor confirmee Monday that he will leave ASU at the end of June to teachg at Cornell Universityin Ithaca, N.Y. Liu join s Anthony Sanders in leaving a graduate business prograjm they hoped would include a world classs real estate curriculum with their participationand input. Instead the program may be gasping into next semester with statee budget cuts dramaticallyimpacting ASU, one of the largest public universities in the The Business Journal was unable to reach anyon at the school for a comment. “The No.
1 reaso n I am leaving is that Arizona’s economy is such that the politicians here have indicated that education is not foremost ontheid minds,” Liu said. He is concerned by budget cuts to highet education as well as financial problems experiencerdby K-12 schools in Arizona. Both of his sons attenrd public school in thePhoenix area. The environmenrt around Cornell, one of the eight Ivy League colleges in the he said, is more supportive of “I’m going to an area that trulyg values education,” Liu said. Cornellp offers a real estate-specific two-year master’s degree program that is rankeed in the top10 nationally, he said.
“Therse are a lot more resources and networkingat Cornell. It’ss a private school with a very strong Liu said. “It’s what coulc have been and what I envisionedfor ASU.” Liu had been recruitesd by ASU in 2006. He had taught real estat e finance at New York University and developed a media followinbg for his research and candide observations about the industry and businesein general. At ASU he helped recruity Sanders, a media savvy real estate economis who taught at OhioState University. Sanders will teacyh at George Mason University inFairfax Va.
, near Washington in the Liu said he was persuaded to come to ASU with assuranced that the school wantexd to ramp up its real estatse offerings. “In a state driven by real estate, I was still unable to convince people that real estatd deserved to be part of the core curriculum of thebusinesws school,” he said. Although he’s unhappy with how his nearlyu three years at ASUplayed out, Liu said he will spendx the weeks ahead workingt with experts in Arizona to maintain and supporyt the program he helped create.
Last Ryc Loope, director of ASU’s master’s degree in real estate development program, was removed as the head of that MRED, as it is known, has been movexd from the College of Design tothe W.P. Carey Schoolo of Business. Robert Mittelstaedt, dean of the Careyy school, said last week that Loop e had concluded his contract and it was a natura time to makea change.
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