Thursday, September 30, 2010

D.C. narrows list of developers for Stevens Elementary School - Washington Business Journal:
Neil Albert, the former deputy mayodr for planning and economic development and newcity administrator, announced Monday that his staff had eliminated six of the nine originall bidders. A team made up of Chicago-bassedd and the , basedf in D.C. Moddie Turay Company LLC, based in D.C. and foundedr by former Mayor Anthony Williams' speciapl assistant Moddie Turray. Opus East was originally listedx as a Turray partner by thedeputyu mayor's office but is not included in its list of A partnership led by Peebled Development LLC, a likely outgrowth of the Peeblez Corp., a Coral Gables, Fla.-based firm led by D.C. native R. Donahued Peebles. Peebles is teamed with the Walker Group.
Accordingy to a press release from the finalists' proposals offer "various combinationa of new housing, officwe space, hotels and neighborhood-serving retail." Amonyg those eliminated are teamsx led by Akridge, Cafritz Interests and the Capitokl Hill Business Improvement District, which proposex using the site to train and house homeless adults. The finalists will presenty their plans at a community meetintJune 11, the day after a plannefd community meeting for final developers interested in Hine Jr. High Schooll to present.
Albert, who began as city administratofthis week, announced in April the city had received bids for all 11 vacant schools the city has put on the

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dishonored - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner



Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

What surprises me, is the fact that few mention the fact that it is SeaAlaska that is behind Lisa's write in campaign. I'm tired of any Corp. ...

How Bad is Lisa


Sisterhood: Seattle Democrat Cathy  »

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ohio Power Siting Board sets guidelines for setting up wind farms - Business First of Columbus:
Johnson, managing partner of a 1,200-acre grain farm in Champaign County, east of Urbana, is among those with a keen interesy in the rules that outline requirementssfor aesthetics, setbacks from noise levels and safety of wind turbines. She and others in the counth have been critical of proposals for wind farms in the townshi p where she livesand farms, which is about a 35-mile drive from western Franklin County. “If the state wants to grow this business in it has an interest to do it righy the first time out ofthe bag,” said a board member for the Union Neighbores United citizens group.
“If will be a blightt on our propertyif it’s not site appropriately,” she said. “It’s goinv to ruin our sleep, view and enjoymenrt of our property.” Seen as a way to providde clean energy, jobs and economic developmentin Ohio, renewabls energy sources such as wind power are a big part of the comprehensiv energy bill passed by the stats legislature in April and signed into law by Gov. Ted Strickland May 1. The law call s for at least 25 percent of all electricity sold in Ohio to come from alternativd sourcesby 2025, with at least half to be generaterd by renewables such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal.
The legislature also passed a bill that directed the Power Siting Boarf to adopt rules forthe construction, operation and maintenance of wind-poweree electric generation facilities. The board also is responsible for certifyinbg locations for electricity plantsd inthe state. The certificatioj for wind farms will follow a procese similar to the one for electricpower plants, said Kim executive director of the siting board. That mean s the board will review each applicationb to determine what is appropriate for thatparticular site.
But wind farm developersd wished the board had adopted more of the recommendations they made during a publiccomment period, thoughb they can live with the rules, said Sally an attorney with in Columbus. She represents the tradw groupand LLC, which is lookingb at wind farm sites in Champaign and Hardijn counties. “A number of wind developers with lots of experiencre in other states made reallygood suggestions,” Bloomfiels said. “In nearly every instancde the board said it wouldkeep (the sitinfg process) the way it is.” Undee the rules adopted by the siting boarr Oct.
28, each wind farm applicatiomn must include the type and numbe of wind turbines tobe used, land areas requirer during construction and operation and the height and blade length of each The state also will require that each turbinw be located at least 1.1 times the height of the turbine from the nearesf property line and at leasty 750 feet – a length of two and a half footbal fields– from adjacent homes. In wind farm applicants must evaluatre the potential effects of ice thrown from the blade shear and the flicker of shadows from spinninghwindmill blades.
Except for minimum setbackss from property lines and therules don’t set specific standards in any of those That will be the Power Siting Board’z call, Wissman said. “That’s what we she said. “It will be a huge challenge, as is any applicatiom before us.” Wissman said the board’s experience in makiny decisions on power plant sites will come in handh as it tries to balance the interests in wind farm including the goalsof environmentalists, farmers, developers and wildlife preservationj groups. “Siting is not easy in this day and she said.
“No one wants this in their but they want their lights to come on when they flip the There is a lot of heartfelt emotion when youaffect someone’s land and

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Starbucks makes food healthier - Orlando Business Journal:
The coffee giant says it has simplified recipeas to includemore high-quality ingredients like wholer grains, blueberries from Oregon and cherries from “Starbucks customers have been telling us that they want bettef tasting and healthier food options when they visiy our stores,” said Starbucks food category vice presidentf Sandra Stark in a news release announcin the new menus. “We answered their call with a deliciouas new menu of food made with real ingredientsz and morewholesome options.
” New menu items include a blueberryu oat bar, a farmer’s market salad and banana walnuft bread that Starbucks says “iws nearly 30 percent real Starbucks has been expanding its food menu in the last two yearx to entice customers to visitt more and to spend more per visit. The company was also amonf the first restaurant chains in the country to ban trans fat from its foodand beverages. Starbucks SBUX) is closing hundreds of locations and cuttingv thousands of jobs to trim expenses asrevenues falls. The company reportedf sales fell 8 percentlast quarter, followint a 9 percent decline in firsf quarter sales.
It is also facing pressured fromMcDonalds (NYSE: MCD), whose new coffees drinks are driving salea higher.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stirling Energy Systems expands its offices as solar efforts ramp up - Dayton Business Journal:
The Scottsdale company, which received a $100 milliojn investment last yearfrom Dublin-based NTR plc, is movintg quickly to capture a segmeny of the utility-scale solar market with its Stirlinbg engine technology. The company opened its new 37,000-square-foo office in early May. It has hired about 100 employees this year and expectsw to add 60 to 80 more by the end of the for a totalof 180, said CEO Steve Cowman, who joinec the firm last year as part of NTR’e investment. “We’ve always liked the solat space, and this was a good he said. The compang is based on a nearly 200-year-old engind design, which operates through the expansion and contractionof gases.
Stirlinf uses a 40-foot mirroreds dish to focus the sun’s rays to heat hydrogen gas to 1,4090 degrees Fahrenheit. The gas expands, moving a piston and poweringbthe engine. As the gas cools, it is moved out of the pisto chamber and back to where it will be reheated bythe sun. The companyh had been operating in the Valley since but NTR’s investment has pushedd it to develop the technology more quickly. It has two power-purchasd agreements: one with San Diego Gas & Electrid for between 300 and 750 megawatts at a site inImperiap Valley, Calif., and one with Southern California Edison for 500 to 900 megawatts in the Mohaver Desert.
Cowman said it’as adding positions of all types, from engineeringt to construction, to meet its growtbh curve. To handle projecr management, NTR founded Tessera Solar earlier this year to develothe utility-scale projects, with Stirlinb providing the equipment. Ramping up both project developmenrt and construction has required capital and people to serve what the companh believes will be one of the largest solafr markets inthe world, said Jim CEO of NTR. “We believe the U.S. will be the global leaderf in renewable energy, and that will happenj in the nextfew years,” he said.
NTR, foundex 30 years ago to operate Ireland’s toll roads, has expanded into a numbed of renewable energy and recycling efforts. Stirling’s technologty — which offers an alternatived tophotovoltaic systems, as well as a differenr take on concentrated solar powee — has a good base in Arizona that can servre markets throughout the Southwest, Barry said. In addition to the company is looking at potential sites in the Valleg to housea 60-dish, 1.5-megawatt test The company has a small site at the Sandi a National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M., but is hopingb to find a larger site to provide a locatiom to bring clients.
It has run into challengews securing local permits for a site and finding a location that can be tied into the electric grid, officials said. The company could be a boon for Arizonw in more ways than simplyproviding power. It is usingt auto component suppliers to build its engine and officials are talking with those suppliers about the possibility of locating facilities in the Southwestf to handle the bulkof Stirling’x projects, at least for the first few years, Cowmann said.
“If you can build your manufacturing closed to yourend facilities, that’xs going to benefit everyone,” he Stirling is one of the solat companies that could provide a base for otherf manufacturers to land in the Valley, said Barry president and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic “This is a good he said. “It’s got a small number of people and it hopeswto expand, and it could help its suppliers relocate here.” Stirling’s expansion in Arizona depends on statse policies. Other states are offering manufacturinb incentives, and Arizona’s effort to develop such enticements is mired inbudge problems.
“We really want to grow our business in but we need those Cowman said.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

KKR prices $500 mln of notes, follows Blackstone - Reuters

KKR prices $500 mln of notes, follows Blackstone


N) on Wednesday sold $500 million of senior secured notes, according to IFR Thomson Reuters, a month after it canceled plans for an equity offering of the ...

KKR & Co. to offer senior notes


KKR issues $500 million of 10-year debt

Pensions & Investments

Fitch Rates KKR's Unsecured Notes 'A'

Business Wire (press release)


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PNM closes on sale of gas operations - New Mexico Business Weekly:
About 500,000 customers in New Mexico will now receiver gas servicesfrom Continental’s new subsidiary, Deliveryh rates will remain unchanged, but customers will start receiving separate bills for electric and gas servicews as of Feb. 4. Gas customers can call toll free (888) NMGASCk (1-888-664-2726) for service-related issues or gas More information about servicee and company operations is availableat (NYSE: PNM) announced the gas sale in earlyg 2008. It received approval from the New Mexicko Public Regulation Commissionin December.
PNM sold the operationsd to concentrate solely on electric services, and to strengthen its financial said PNM Resources Chairman and CEO Jeff Sterb a in a news release. “Completing the PNM gas operationw sale is a key step toward returning our NewMexicoi utility, PNM, to financial healtuh and strengthening the entire Sterba said. “Our plan is to use the net proceedw of the sale to reduce PNM and PNM Resourcexs debt and othercorporate purposes.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Indexes: Business conditions worsen in Kansas - Wichita Business Journal:
in May and 42.7 in June 2008, said June was the ninth-straight montuh for which the index was beloswthe growth-neutral 50. “Over the past year, Kansas has lost more than 15,0090 manufacturing jobs,” said Ernie Goss, an economis at Creighton. “Our survey indicatesa that these losses continued for Economic activity was particularlg weak for durable orheavuy manufacturing, including transportation-equipment producers. Losses have likewise continued for telecommunicatione companiesin Kansas. According to government employment data, 17,000 new Kansas workers entered the work forcde over the past three These workers added tothe state’s risin unemployment rolls.
However, I expect the state’s rising unemployment rate to moderate in themonths ahead, and should top 7.5 percentf before it stabilizes in the third quarter of The Midwest Business Conditions Indec in June moved above growth neutrall for the first time since with a 49.3 reading, up from 46.6 in May but down from 50.5 in June 2008. The regiomn lost jobs for the 17th time in the past18 months. The indexc is calculated from a survey of supply managers inthe region.
The , of whicb Goss also is director, has conducted the monthlu survey of supply managers in nine states sincse 1994 to produce leading economic indicators ofthe Mid-America States in the survey are Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Dakota.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gospel great and friend of Elvis Presley to perform - Coshocton Tribune

Gospel great and friend of Elvis Presley to perform

Coshocton Tribune

Sumner said he was invited to perform at the First Baptist Church about five years ago and has continued to return to the area every year since. ...

and more »

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dow up 32 points; Colorado
The Dow Jones Industriapl Average finished the trading dayat 8,770.92, up 31.9 pointsx (0.37 percent). The S&P 500 closed at up 5.74 points (0.61 percent). The NASDAQ Composite finished at up 9.29 points (0.5 percent). Amony actively traded Colorado stocks, Levelo 3 Communications (LVLT) led the day’s gainersd for a second straight day, up 24.06 percent (32 to close at Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported on its websitde that is considering combiningits long-distance division with Level 3 in a jointg venture. • (CROX) — Up 16.12 percent (59 to $4.25. • (GMO) — Up 8.71 percentt (23 cents) to $2.87. • — Up 5.
19 percent (61 cents) to • (FST) — Up 4.96 perceny (96 cents) to $20.30. Among actively tradeds Colorado stocks that declined on the day was down 3.54 percent (57 cents) to closew at $15.55. • Western Unionn Co. (WU) — Down 3.03 percentr (54 cents) to $17.29. • (GSS) — Down 2.46 percenrt (5 cents) to $1.98. • (UDR) Down 2.04 percent (22 cents) to $10.56. • — Down 1.
98 percent (18 cents) to

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

FDIC: Banks rebound to $7.6B profit in first quarter - Washington Business Journal:
billion profit in the first quarterof 2009, down $11.7y billion, or 60.8 percent, from the $19.3 billion that the industry earned in the first quarter of 2008. the first-quarter performance marks an improvement over therecordx $26.2 billion loss in the fourth quartere of 2008. Higher loan-loss provisions, increasex goodwill write-downs, and reduced incomer from securitization activities all contributed tothe year-over-yea r earnings decline in the first quartet of 2009. Three out of five insured institutionds reported lower net income in the first quarter and one in fivewas unprofitable.
"The firsy quarter results are tellinfg us that the banking industry still facestremendoua challenges, and that going forward, asset qualityt remains a major concern," said FDIC Chairmab Sheila C. Bair in an statement. "Banks are making good efforts to deal with thechallenges they're facing, but today'a report says that we're not out of the woods To that point, 21 FDIC-insured institutionw failed during the first quarter -- the largestg number since the fourth quarter in 1992. And the FDIC'se "Problem List" grew during the quarter from 252 to 305 and total assets of problem institutions increasedfrom $159 billionm to $220 billion.
Insured institutions set asides $60.9 billion in provisions for loan lossexs in the firstquarter -- up $23. billion, or 63.6 percent, over the first quartetr of 2008. Expenses for goodwill impairment and other intangiblw asset expensestotaled $7.2 billion, compared with $2.8 billion a year earlier. These negative factors outweighed the positived effects of increased noninterestincome (up $7.8 or 12.8 percent), higher net interest income (up $4.4 billion, or 4.7 and higher realized gains on securitie and other assets (up $1.9 billion). Insured institutionz charged off $37.8 billion in bad loans in the firsf quarter, almost twice the $19.7 billion of a year earlier.
"Troubled loans continu to accumulate, and the costes associated with impaired assets are weighing heavily onthe industry's Bair noted. "Nevertheless, compared to a year ago, we see some Net interest incomeis higher, and noninteresf revenue is up at larger particularly trading revenues." Tier 1 capital reached a record high of almosy $70 billion, the largest quarterly increase ever reportesd by the industry. However, much of the increasw occurred at institutions that received capitaol from theTreasury Department's Troubled Asset Relief Prograj (TARP). Total assets declinee by $302 billion due to downsizing by a fewlarge banks.
Two-thirds of all institutionws reported asset growth in the but reductions at eight largwe banks caused the industry total to Total loans and leases fellby $159.67 billion (2.1 percent), while assets in tradinv accounts declined by $144.5 billion (14.9 The FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) reserve ratio fell to 0.27 percent. The DIF balancd declined from $17.3 billion at the end of 2008 (amendee from the originally reported unaudited balanceof $19 billion) to $13 billiojn on March 31, 2009. the FDIC Board of Directors approved an amended restorationn plan in February that is designex to restore the DIF reservse ratioto 1.
15 percent within seven The FDIC has already set aside $28 billion in reserve to cover projectesd losses for the next 12 In addition, the FDIC will collect more than $8 billionn in premiums during the second including $5.6 billion from the specialk assessment the FDIC Board approved on May 22.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Collegiate appoints board members - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
• Nelea Absher, vice president and associate generap counsel, • Anne-Marie Brown, founder, • Suzanne Oldham, founder, Tuffy Wood, managing director, Morgan Keegan & Co. Cindy Skarbek, director of the Bashar Masri, director and senior engineer of . Four trustees were reappointee tothe school’s board. They are: Marine management consultantBarker Price, who will serve as boared president for the 2009-10 school • Merrell Wall Grant, general manageer of the Monogram line for , and 1974 who will serve as vice • Former Brown-Forman vice chairwoman and CFO Phoebre Wood, who will serve as treasurer; and Former management consultant Leslie Geoghegan, who will serve as secretary.
Corrie Nichols, president of the Louisville Collegiate SchooklParents Association, will serve as parentr representative on the board. Formefr Brown-Forman president Bill Street, whose term on the board was named adirector emeritus.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Clear Channel names global-media sales executive - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
In this role, Partilla will lead nationao business development acrossthe company’sd radio and outdoor businesses. Partill a will report to CEO Mark He will be based in New Partilla is joining Clear Channeklfrom , where he led Time Warner’s Global Media Group. Clear Channel is now working to acceleratew and expandthe company’s national sales reach. Clear Channelk already counts (NYSE: DIS), Verizon and Kellogg’sz as clients on cross-platform and multi-propert ad buys.
“We’re entering a new era for advertisingband marketing, and the strides that Cleae Channel has made in digital platforms across both the radio and outdoorr businesses are an outstanding match for the new demands bein placed on marketers,” Partilla says. “Realizing that potentiak will require adding strategic and creative value for our best advertising partners — helping them solve theid most critical business problems. The result will be more revenud across all ofClear Channel’s businesses.” San Antonio-bases Clear Channel is a global mediwa and entertainment company. The company owns eighyt radio stations in the LosAngeles area.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A few facts, figures for the Yankees series - ESPN (blog)

A few facts, figures for the Yankees series

ESPN (blog)

Here are some interesting numbers and stats to get you ready for this weekend's series between the Rangers and Yankees. ...

and more »

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fla. confirms first swine flu death - South Florida Business Journal:
The laboratory confirmation ofthe boy's deathj is the first in the state for the strain of swind flu, the Florida Department of Health said. Florida has 417 confirmeed cases ofthe flu. Surgeon General Dr. Ana Viamonte Ros said in a statement, "Whils most cases of H1N1 swine flu are there are exceptions like thistragic Nationally, the CDC is reporting 45 deathes associated with swine flu, and as the flu progressesd that number will unfortunately rise." The department has a surveillances system involving physicians to tracjk the flu and also is monitoring emergencyy rooms cases and over-the-counter drug sales. The department'xs four labs can all test for the flu.
has placedr the alert level for the flu at the pandemic meaning it has widespreadglobapl circulation. Wash hands frequently and avoid touchinyour eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid close contactr with people who are coughing or otherwissappear ill. Stay home from work or schoool if you have arespiratory illness. Anyone who thinks he or she has influenzq should call their Meghan Lehner, an attorney with in West Palm said in May that employers are prohibite d by the from exposing employees to hazardous conditionzs and may be required to send infected employeea home or risk sanctions for OSHA OSHA has posted frequently asked questions on pandemic influenza preparedness and responsd guidance for health care workers and health care employerws at http://www.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rendell proposes personal income tax hike - Business First of Louisville:
The increase would brin g the taxto 3.57 percent, but statee law would require it to return to 3.07 percent after threew years, according to a release from the governor'z office. Rendell said the temporary increase wouldx raiseapproximately $1.5 billion per year in new A temporary tax has been implemented successfullhy to address a fiscal crisis in Pennsylvani a on three prior occasions, the governor's office Even with the , the statd is more than $1 billion shorrt of balancing its budgey by the end of June, the governor said. Raising the incomd tax would be preferable to the Rendell said.
“The simplee truth is we have nogood choices,” he “There are no shortcuts out of this crisis, no magicf bullets, no painless path out of this We can do the easy thing for the moment or the right thing for Pennsylvania’s future. The faires t plan is to spreard the pain across the and let our economicrecovery

Monday, September 6, 2010

Analysts cool on rumored Apple rollouts - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
But some analysts are warning investors not to get caughtf up inthe hype. Gene Munsterr of Piper Jaffrey warned on Thursdaty there could be some disappointment about what actuallyt gets announcedby Cupertino-based Appler (NASDAQ:AAPL). "Regardless of whether or not new iPhonea are announcedat WWDC, we continue to expect a mid-Julu launch of a family of iPhones," he wrotew in a note to clients. Munstert isn't buying talk of a $99 iPhone and cheapef data plan, either. He thinks the less expensive versiohn of the device will go forabout $149 and only ratess the idea that (NYSE:T) will lower its data plan pricw at 1 in 4 odds.
Yair Reiner of Oppenheimee wrote separately that he believesAppler won't upstage the focus at WWDC on its new Snow Leopard and iPhone 3.0 operating systems with new He thinks that may come weeksa later as the company works off its inventoryt of old phones that are still in the salesx channels. Kathryn Huberty of Morgan Stanley ratesz the possibility that an announcemenyt of a new carrier inthe U.S. for the iPhone, whicu is offered exclusively now through is low. "We view this as a 2011 evenyt that could boost units 5 milliohn to 7 million and adjuste earnings per share by 50 centw to75 cents," she wrote.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

UnitedHealth CEO: Flexibility will help weather 'disruptive change' - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
“Leading companies actually take advantage of disruptive chang e andchallenging markets,” Hemsley said at the company’sz annual meeting in Minnetonka. Also at the meeting, stockowners approved the company'x slate of directors and voted downa shareholder-proposed measurd regulating executive compensation. The meeting comes at an unsettledf time for theinsurance industry. UnitedHealth in April , though it still beat expectations. Profit was $984 or 81 cents per share, versuds $994 million, or 78 cents per share, durintg the first quarter of 2008.
UnitedHealth’s insurance plan enrollmeny has been shiftingtoward lower-margin, government-sponsored health plans that has worried investors becauss of the government’s plans to tighte Medicare Advantage reimbursement rates. There’s also a greaty deal of uncertainty overPresidenr Obama’s plans for a major health care reform this Still, investors' worries appear to have been allayed some in recentr months. After hitting a low of abou t $16 per share in March, UnitedHealth’e stock is now trading at about $28 per share.
The company has been actively engaging in the healthreform process, rather than opposw it as many health insurers did when the Clinto administration sought to overhaul the syste in the 1990s. UnitedHealth CEO Hemsley last month , sayinh the skyrocketing cost of health care was hurtingvthe country.

Friday, September 3, 2010

United credit card policy could foul corporate travel - Birmingham Business Journal:
San Francisco’s dominant airline informed some travell agencies that as of July 20 it will no longef let them process credit and debigt card purchases for airline ticketszusing United’s merchant-processing services. Instead, such agencies would have to requird travelers to paywith cash, process card paymentxs with the agency’s own merchant processinbg service and forward the cash to Unitedr or book the tickets on United’s web site using the traveler’sz credit or debit card issued by , V) , (NYSE: MA) (NYSE: AXP) and others.
An agent using United’ web site, bypassing such travel systems as Apollo and would not allow companies to capture the discountse they have negotiated with United nor would it alloq their travel agent to survey severaol carriers on a route to find thelowest “Several Bay Area companies have deals with Unitecd Airlines for discounts,” said Marc president of Casto Travel, which isn’t among the agenciexs that United has cut off from its merchant-processing Casto says he’s reached out to some of the firm’s corporate clients to express concern over United’s new card acceptancse policy, but declined to discuszs what was said in thosde conversations.
United Airlines (NASDAQ: UAUA) did not respondr to requests for United is hoping to shift the cost of acceptint credit and debit cards onto selected travel Those agencies saythe airline’s move shiftw to them the risk for paying out refundzs if the carrier goes bankrupt. While it’s also likelhy to reduce the amount of money that United has to keep in the bank to guarrdagainst charge-backs, it would increase those requirements for the travell agents. That’s a nonstarter for most agenciexs — and their banks, which wouled have to honor charge-back requests that could total billions of dollars in the evenyt of anairline bankruptcy.
“Iu don’t think there’s any travel agency, including Americahn Express Travel, that could shoulder that liability,” Casto said.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ESC: For MI patients, fatty acid intake doesn't curb CV risk - Cardiovascular Business

The Money Times

ESC: For MI patients, fatty acid intake doesn't curb CV risk

Cardiovascular Business

Dean Kromhout, PhD, of Wageningen University in Wageningen, the Netherlands, and colleagues sought to evaluate whether low doses (400 mg per day) of EPA/DHA ...

No Benefit For Heart Attack Survivors From Omega-3 Margarines


No Help for Heart from Margarines with Omega-3

TopNews New Zealand

Omega-3 fortified margarine doesn't help heart

The Money Times

Natural Products Marketplace -TREND -TIME
