Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Avon foundation awards $870K to Columbia biotech - San Francisco Business Times:
Leaders of , a firm researching and developing tests to screeb forbreast cancer, said the New York-basec 's grant, which will be given over the next two will help expand the studgy of a potentially new screening test for breast cancef already under way at the , "We are turning the corner from researchn and development to a productf company," said Ginette Serrero, CEO of A&G. "We want to get to a phass of havinga product." Serrerok said the company planas to use the funding, along with some of its own on additional clinical trials of the diagnostivc test. The expanded trial could involve several cancer centerds inthe area.
Earlier this the company, which employs 18, received $2.2 million in fundintg from venture capital. Founded in 2000, A&G has raisedr more than $14 million in including investmentsby Boston-based and the . The companh also has submitted a diagnostic test kit for breast cancer to the for Serrero said that although there is no immediate planfor expansion, the compan could grow as it brings productsw to market.
By 2005, Avon Foundation had awardedx $500 million in grants internationally to programzs and efforts including breast cancer The organization typically fundsnonprofit efforts, and its investment in A&fG is among the few private companhy grants awarded in the past few

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